Gig Economy News: Everything Must Grow

All living things must grow, and this is no less true for businesses of all sizes and the people who run them. Growing as an entrepreneur, expanding your skills and your knowledge, and cultivating growth within all aspects of your work will keep you and your business vibrant over time. As Fiverr grows with the launch of Learn from Fiverr, our new e-learning platform,,  we want to continue to support our community’s growth in every way possible. Read on for our weekly roundup, with this week focusing on self-growth and growing your business.

Choose Your Teachers Well

One of the most important parts of your learning journey is choosing the right teachers. Getting guidance, information and insights from the right person is vital to ensuring that your growth is meaningful and sets you on the right path. On that note, meet two of the teachers coming to our learning platform and see how they can help you grow personally and professionally.

Plan Your Path

You’re ambitious, that’s part of why you’re an entrepreneur! Keeping track of all of your dreams, goals and daily tasks can be hard and often many things fall by the wayside. One of the best ways to foster your own growth is to stay organized and never lose sight of your goals. Not sure how to do that? Check out what a bullet journal is and how it can help you stay on track.

Wait, but Why?

One of the biggest questions that we get when we discuss our new platform is “why should I learn a new skill?” After all, you wouldn’t do what you do if you weren’t good at it! There are a lot of reasons why freelancers could (and should!) learn new skills both within and outside of their fields. Here are just six of those reasons to get you started.

Evolve with the Times

The digital marketplace is rapidly evolving, and even if you are highly skilled it can be hard to keep up. One of the fastest growing, and most important trends is video marketing – and it’s leaving a lot of talented entrepreneurs behind. If you need help growing your video marketing skills, this article can help you get started.

What steps will you take this week to start growing? Tell us in the comments!

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