For entrepreneurs, marketing can be a financial stress and a time consuming task. For those who are a one-person show, figuring out the most time and cost-effective strategies is important for making sure that your resources are going to the best possible places. Even those who work in marketing professionally need to keep on top of growing trends in order to make sure that their message is going out on the most effective channels. Here’s a few tips to help you put your marketing focus in the right place.
The Most Important Content Tip You’ll Read
Everybody talks about how important content marketing is, but it’s not always clear what exactly content marketing should do. If you find yourself confused about the right way to do content marketing right, rest assured that you’re not alone. That’s why we recently posted an article about why content marketing is important and how to do it most effectively.
Be Frugal and Social
Platforms like Facebook are known to reward those who spend money on their advertising and punish those who don’t. This can make it difficult for bootstrapping entrepreneurs to get the results that they want from their social media campaigns. If this is an issue that you’ve come across, then you’ll want to check out Forbes’ piece on 5 social media marketing tips for entrepreneurs on a budget.
Make a Killer Facebook Ad
Once you’re prepared to launch a better social media marketing strategy, you’ll need a better social media advertisement. Making an amazing Facebook ad is a skill, and it requires understanding what grabs people’s attention and what makes them click through. Get the expert insights on how to do your next Facebook ad right with these 6 design tips.
Invest in Your Community
One aspect of marketing that doesn’t always get a lot of attention is the importance of building a community around your brand. Building and managing a community is not a simple task, but it can be a great wallet-friendly way to market beyond the traditional methods. If you’re interested in how to build a successful community, take a look at these tips from Inc.
What has been your best marketing strategy? Tell us in the comments!
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