Cuatro filmes recientes que te pueden enseñar acerca del manejo de negocios

Todos amamos ver películas. Ya sea en la comodidad del sillón o en el teatro, el cine tiene un lugar especial en nuestra vida cotidiana. Los filmes pueden emocionarnos, hacernos enojar y también inspirarnos. Algunas producciones incluso pueden enseñarnos valiosas … Read More

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Cuatro filmes recientes que te pueden enseñar acerca del manejo de negocios Read More »

Congrats to Our Latest Fiverr Rising Stars, Applemoment and Bizbuz!

Sometimes all you need is one look to know you’re dealing with a genuine talent. When that first look is backed up by a solid portfolio and rave reviews, you know you’ve found a professional that you can count on for a quality product. Take a look at these two up-and-coming Fiverr sellers, and we think you’ll agree that they are special. Congratulations to Applemoment and Bizbuz, our latest Fiverr Rising Stars!Read More

The post Congrats to Our Latest Fiverr Rising Stars, Applemoment and Bizbuz! appeared first on Official Fiverr Blog.

Congrats to Our Latest Fiverr Rising Stars, Applemoment and Bizbuz! Read More »

Four Recent Movies That Can Teach You About Running a Business

We all love watching movies. Whether it is on our couch or at the theater, film holds a special place in our worlds. Movies can excite, anger and inspire. Some movies can even teach you valuable lessons about running a … Read More

The post Four Recent Movies That Can Teach You About Running a Business appeared first on Official Fiverr Blog.

Four Recent Movies That Can Teach You About Running a Business Read More »