Young Freelancer Profits Hugely from First Venture

Think that many young people are just lazy or up to no good? Think again. Meet 22-year-old Mathew Carpenter, a young man who just made almost $100,000 from an entrepreneurial venture that he wasn’t even expecting would succeed. How did … Read More

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How Custom Offers Can Take Your Fiverr Business To The Next Level

Fiverr’s Custom Offers allow you to expand your Fiverr business beyond your standard Gigs®. When potential buyers contact you, instead of just directing them to your Gig page, you can send them a Custom Offer. You set the deliverable. You … Read More

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4 formas en que las personas productivas se mantienen concentradas

Convertirse en productivo y mantenerse productivo puede ser un reto si no estás haciendo las cosas bien. Ser productivo no se trata sobre cómo hacer las tareas de forma limpia, centrada y eficiente.

A menudo, hay malentendidos sobre que ser … Read More

The post 4 formas en que las personas productivas se mantienen concentradas appeared first on Official Fiverr Blog.

4 formas en que las personas productivas se mantienen concentradas Read More »

iPad App Gives Flexibility to Graphic Designers

Graphic designers will be interested to know about Adobe’s just-released app, Adobe Comp CC.

This app is ground-breaking since it proposes that designing on mobile can be even faster than designing on your desktop. To convince designers who have used products like … Read More

The post iPad App Gives Flexibility to Graphic Designers appeared first on Official Fiverr Blog.

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