Gig Economy News: Show on the Road

We’ve been saying since day one that the future of work is anywhere, and the AND CO and Remote Year “Anywhere Workers” Report report just confirms our suspicions. Remote work is growing in all types of industries, and it’s attracting a wider range of professionals every day. One of the greatest pulls to remote work is the ability to work anywhere and everywhere—and that’s why this week’s Gig Economy News is all about taking your show on the road.

Get Inspired

What does it look like to have your professional life defined by the fact that you’re a traveling remote worker? Just talk to our Chief Digital Nomad to find out! Chelsea Odufu won this coveted and unique role as our Chief Digital Nomad, and in a recent interview, she tells Forbes all about what it means to travel for a living. Read on to get inspired and learn some great tips for

Test the Waters

Got a great idea for a business? Awesome—but what now? Before you dive in, it’s important to make sure there are no leaks in your thought process! We’ve put together a great guide to helping you figure out if your idea has a market, so you can take that leap from 9-5 to entrepreneurship with confidence.

Roam-ward Bound

Even a digital nomad needs somewhere to rest their head, and if your current city isn’t remote-work friendly, then it may be to time to hit the road. Whether you’re visiting or looking to settle, these 15 cities are the best place to be a remote worker today.

Seek Out Support

The best thing about the remote-work boom is that more people mean more power! As remote work grows, so do the resources available to people who decide to go off the beaten path. To make your life easier, we’re spearheading some exciting initiatives all across the US! Take a look and see how our next big project can help you grow.  

Where has remote work taken you? Tell us in the comments!

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