Gig Economy News: Keep Ideas Flowing To Grow Your Company

Being an entrepreneur involves a lot of analysis. Whether you’re analyzing the market, or sales data, or even just figuring out the best way to package your message, an awareness of the bigger picture is crucial. This week’s Gig Economy is about giving you some up-close-and personal analysis tools as well as zooming out a bit to take the wider view of the business world at large.

Keep Those Ideas Flowing

It takes one great idea to begin an entrepreneurial venture, but it takes a lot of great ideas to keep it going. It turns out, there’s a lot of science behind the magic of brainstorming. Check out what the research has to say about optimizing your brainstorming process from this article at Geektime.

Politics at Play

This week President Obama gave his State of the Union address. While people are examining all aspects of his speech, we’re more interested in the business side of things. With this being a big political week, and with American election season getting ready to gear up, check out Entrepreneur’s list of top business-related issues likely to be at the forefront of the debate.

Tweet Tale

Whether you’re a Twitter pro or a tweet-less beginner, your Twitter strategy is next to useless without some understanding of how successful it is. Twitter results need to be measured to be useful. Here are Fox Small Business Center’s 4 Steps to Getting More out of Twitter Analytics. 

Growing Pains

As you grow, you’re keeping an eye on every metric of course. But what about elements of improving that you might be neglecting? In order to grow and succeed even with little (or no) budget, every aspect of your operation needs to be at peak productivity. Here’s the Huffington Post with 5 Growth Hacking Tips for Any Startup.

Dish it and Take it

Analysis isn’t all about crunching the numbers, sometimes it’s about taking a critical eye to your business or asking your friends to do it for you. Before you have someone whose opinion you trust and value pick your business apart, share these tips for constructive feedback, from Brain Pickings, with them. Better yet, use them yourself when you meet with other entrepreneurs and discuss your successes and failures.

What is your top tip for entrepreneurs when evaluating yourself and your own business? Tell us in the comments!

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