Choosing a profession is quite possibly one of the hardest decisions that any person has to make after college or graduate school. Though you may not stick with the profession you chose right after college, you would eventually find one that suits you in every way that you want. However, there are some times when you are in the wrong profession and the pieces just aren’t fitting quite right. We understand how hard it can be to identify what about a profession doesn’t suit you, so we have put together some telltale signs that you might be in the wrong profession.
The Projects Seem Like Busywork
If you go into work and you are blowing through your projects without paying much attention to them and you’re ready to head out of the door as soon as the clock hits 5pm, you might be in the wrong profession. Ask yourself how involved you are in your work. If you are working for the sake of finishing a project and nothing more, it might be time to change professions.
You’re Dreading Going to Work
Call it the Sunday night blues or any other creative name you can come up with. We understand that sometimes a challenging project can make you dread heading into the office on Monday mornings, but if you get a stomach ache from the sheer thought of going to work, its time for a change.
You Are Not Enjoying Your Work
This goes hand in hand with treating important projects like busywork. Ultimately, if you are not enjoying the work that is being done and you feel that your involvement in it is not making a difference, then you might want to find something a bit more fulfilling. Not finding a shred of enjoyment in any profession is a indicative sign that you are in the wrong one.
You Struggle to Keep Up With Co-workers
Sometimes a challenge is good and pushing yourself to become better at your profession is even better. However, if you are struggling to keep up with your coworkers and are not able to follow your manager’s instructions, you should think about change. It may not be that you aren’t able to do the job; it might simple be the fact that this profession is not what suits your needs as a professional.
Mentioning Mostly Negative Things About Your Work in Conversation
When asked by family and friends how work is going, you give an awkward nod and try and find something good to say about work. Or you have a lot to say, but mostly negative comments. This is a clear cut sign that you don’t have too many good things going on at work and again, this profession may not be for you.
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