Gig Economy News: Escape the Routine

Starting and growing a business is exciting, invigorating, and often thrilling – but sometimes it can also be a little tedious and a bit draining. When you’re in a rut, it’s easy to just keep going through the same motions and hope for something to change, but if you don’t take an active part in cultivating your business it will never bloom. Make sure you don’t get stuck in the same day-to-day grind, step out of your routine with these ideas for breathing new life into your business at every stage.

Expand Your Offerings

You’ve worked hard on crafting great Gigs, but pushing the same Gigs without examining your feedback or researching the market needs is an easy way to end up in a Gig rut. Make sure you’re always evaluating your Gigs and possible opportunities for new and in-demand services that you can offer. Check out how to up your Gig game with our latest post.

Get Innovative to Attract Customers

The tried and true marketing strategies you’ve been using are recommended for a reason, but if you’re just doing the same things over and over again and hoping to reach newer and wider audiences, you’re likely to end up disappointed. Take a look at these tips from Entrepreneur on how to use innovative methods to pull new customers to your business.

Be Smart About Social

Social media is another area where too many entrepreneurs can get lulled into a false sense of action by implementing the same techniques repeatedly. That’s why this article about how gyms can use social media in new and creative ways is a must-read for entrepreneurs of all stripes. Engaging with your audience isn’t just fun, it’s good business sense!

Go Robo

A good problem to have is too many messages to keep up with! But there’s no faster way to lose a customer than to be unresponsive. So what’s a bootstrapping entrepreneur to do? Check out these unique chat bots which can be customized for your company to help you manage incoming inquiries without missing a beat.

How will you jazz up your marketing efforts this week? Tell us in the comments!

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