Building Something Better, Together: A Letter from Our CEO


Fiverr is the company it is today because of our community. It’s a community filled with passionate, creative, and talented people from all over the world. Because of how important community is to Fiverr’s past and future, it is our responsibility to constantly innovate, and oftentimes even reinvent ourselves to create a better experience for everyone who relies on Fiverr every day. That means developing more tools, features, and products that produce the best marketplace for freelancers in the world. Anything short of that would mean that we have failed.

Fiverr has always been a customer and community-centric company. Delighting our community is the most important aspect of our days and we think long and hard about how we can create a more transparent, trustworthy and frictionless product. This does not mean that we always manage to deliver on the promise, but it does mean that we always listen to what any one of you has to say and strive to better ourselves based on your feedback.

Countless conversations with buyers and sellers have given us the insights to tailor the marketplace and its features to the needs of our community. In the coming weeks and months, you will see a gradual rollout of new features and product updates that improve the overall product, simplify the experience and raise the quality of our support.

That starts today with the introduction of new features designed to make buying and selling easier, faster and more efficient. Those features include a revamped review process, seller communication, and community reporting. You can read more about it here.

This is just the beginning. Our commitment to you is to continue building a marketplace that you’re proud to be a part of, creating a platform and a community that meets high expectations for all of us.

Keep on Doing,

Chief Executive Officer

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