How Businesses are Using SnapChat and Tips for You Too!

There are so many social networking applications out there that you can use to make your business successful, including Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. However, there are some out there that are often overlooked, such as Snapchat, which has quickly become a hidden gem that businesses can use to help make their organizations more successful. A number of businesses are already taking advantage of Snapchat, including but not limited to Taco Bell, Acura, and frozen yogurt chain 16 Handles.

You might be wondering how exactly these brands are using Snapchat, particularly because the app is a messaging service and not visual like the other social networks. Acura used Snapchat by sending a “snap” of its new NSX prototype car to its first 100 followers. The company than subsequently released the video on other networks such as Vine. Snapchat is very useful in this way because it builds a demand for the product, whatever it may be, and limits the pool of people who can view it.

In turn, those 100 people will share what they saw with others via word of mouth and buzz for the product will be created. Snapchat is powerful in this way because it connects brands directly with users, and doesn’t rely on the possibility that they may not see the image or video they post, such as on Facebook and Twitter. Instead, it sends the content in the form of a direct message that has to be viewed before it can be removed from the user’s queue.

This is a great way for small businesses to utilize because it is a way of letting the product do its own marketing and a great way for companies to directly target consumers. Just because other businesses are using Snapchat differently doesn’t mean that you aren’t able to use it as well. You can target consumers for your small business by using Snapchat in a more tightly integrated space. For example, 16 Handles asked users to snap a picture of themselves at one of the many locations and the company sent the customers back a coupon for a discount on their products. This is more direct and works well because it makes customers feel as if they are part of the company.

On Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook, customers are able to see the comments of other customers so when a brand posts a promotion such as the one 16 Handles did, the thread of comments gets slightly disorganized. Snapchat is a simple, clean, and direct way of reaching your target market and shows that your business is truly ahead of the curve. Wouldn’t it be better for a consumer to be able to see your product in action in a direct message with no distractions?

The post How Businesses are Using SnapChat and Tips for You Too! appeared first on Official Fiverr Blog.

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