Fiverr Is One of First Google App Indexing Partners!

We are thrilled to announce that Fiverr® was chosen to be one of the first brands to participate in Google’s new App Indexing for Google Search program on Android. This is no small feat: less than 120 brands were invited, including the likes of Airbnb, Trip Advisor, the Guardian, and Fox News, to name a few!

First launched in April for developers, App Indexing helps drive usage of apps through Google search. In the new Android program, deep links to an app show up on Android’s Google Search results, driving more mobile traffic to specific apps. Before the app indexing, the search result and click through rate was substandard. Google expects the program both to improve businesses’ click through rates and the mobile search experience for users.

If you have an app and you’d like to participate, go here to add deep links to your app.

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