4 Steps To Freelancing With Family

It’s not surprising that the freelance industry appeals to parents.

It’s easier to make time for your children when you are your own boss. Not only will you have a flexible schedule, but you can also control the clients and projects that you will work on.

The freelance life seems like a dream come true, but it’s not always easy. Here are 4 steps to keep you motivated with freelancing when family pressure surmounts.

1. Set Goals

Once you get paid more for accepting more projects, you can lose track of the time you spend with family. When you’re self-employed, the workday won’t end unless you choose it to end.

Having said that, setting goals will help you keep track of your work-life balance. Write down what you want to accomplish such as financial goals for the month or the number of clients you want to onboard. A study found people who write their desired goals are twice as likely to succeed.

Not only will this will help you grow your business gradually, but it will also help you become aware of the time you spend at work and with family.

2. Create a Mission Statement

If you’re having a lazy day, then it’s time to remind yourself why you’re freelance writing.

Create a mission statement that encapsulates your purpose and goals to guide you through the ups and downs of an unpredictable career.

Here’s an example:

“I became a freelance writer to spend more time with family and make money for my home and my children’s education.”

According to Contena, a mission statement can also answer questions like:

  • What makes you a good freelance writer?
  • Why does building a freelance business excite you?
  • What are the pros of your job?

Write down anything that drives you to work on a paper or dream board and look at it whenever you’re experiencing hardships.

3. Reach Out to Friends

Juggling the duties of a parent and business is far from easy.

A good tip to stay sane is to find freelance communities like Freelance Parents League or find people that are freelancing and parenting at the same time through meetup.com. While friends won’t make your to-do list shorter, they can provide you with actionable advice on raising kids and managing clients.

Make time to hang out with friends or schedule hangouts ahead of time. Taking an occasional break can help you boost your productivity in the long-run.

4. Reward Yourself

It’s challenging to stay motivated when the family to-do list and work duties keep piling up.

To stay motivated, celebrate wins for finishing a project or working on an all-nighter. Set aside money for your rewards through the Tip Yourself App. This allows you to transfer small amounts of money from your checking account into a tip jar which you can use on anything that you want.

Treat your family to dinner to remind yourself of the pros for your career. For some freelancers, making their partner and children happy will provide them with a rewarding feeling.

No need to stress about how much you plan to spend because you’ve definitely earned it.

Keep Going and Use Fiverr to Your Advantage

There are a lot of ways to stay sane when you’re juggling life as a parent and a freelancer.

Ultimately, the key is to stay positive, especially on slow days when you don’t have enough work. Create a mission statement and remember your goals when life gets tough. Don’t forget to celebrate wins and reach out to a community of freelancing parents.

Finally, use Fiverr to your advantage to gain new leads and connect with freelancers in the same boat as you. The  Fiverr forum is a great way to find inspiration, and if you feel the urge to refine your skills, take a class on Learn from Fiverr to stay competitive. More than anything, believe in yourself and don’t give up!

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