3 Ways to Become a Better Person for Yourself and Others this New Year

(BPT) - If self-growth is on your mind, what better time to start off than the dawn of a new year? Here are three tips to help you discover the best version of yourself, for your own good and the good of others.

1. Express Gratitude We tend to focus on the things we don't have, often passing over the bright spots in our life. Giving thanks for positive experiences, relationships and everyday happenings helps us acknowledge and appreciate the goodness that already exists in our lives.

Reach Out More. Take a moment to fully understand what your loved ones do for you unconditionally. And when there's a heartfelt thanks to be given, give them a call to let them know you care or sit down to write a brief but sincere note or email. Send it, or better yet, read it aloud to let them know it comes from the heart.

Spot the Silver Lining. When a challenge stops you in your tracks, remember that with every trial comes a golden opportunity to grow as a person, build your resilience or gain a new focus in life. To avoid jumping on the negative train, try writing a gratitude journal. Jot down the things you're grateful for, whether that be a daily occurrence, like the beautiful sunset that greets you almost every morning, or a special one-off event, like a promotion you've been working toward for months or years.

Check your Privileges. Recognizing, and being grateful for, your privileges is the first step toward having empathy for those who are not on the same grounds. While you may be accustomed to the everyday life that comes easily with your age, gender, race and ability, realize that circumstances may be different for another - for instance, while you can easily control your home appliances, some differently-abled users may need the help of assistive technology from LG, such as braille overlay and audio instructions, to fully access and control household gadgets.

2. Give as much as you Receive Empathy lets us be the best version of ourselves for the well-being of others. Make it your goal to perform a selfless or random act of kindness and explore your inner compassion. You'll quickly learn how and when to put one's interests aside for the good of another.

Be Kind to Thy Neighbor. Lend a hand to a neighbor in need. If you have a flair for cooking, why not put those skills to good use and deliver a home-cooked meal or two for those less fortunate? If you're living in a family neighborhood, carpooling works better for everyone - and the planet.

Donate Used Goods. If you're hoping to declutter the home or make way for new clothes, consider giving away your once-prized possessions rather than banishing them to the local landfill. Items, especially garments, can be recycled and reborn as new for someone else to love - and there's a great deal of references and recycling programs provided by local governments, communities and companies to make it incredibly easy and hassle-free to do so. For instance, LG's Second Life campaign receives used clothing donations and gives them a new life, ensuring that every closet cleanout can be of value to someone in need.

3. Be Kind to the Planet Don't limit your kindness to human beings; take it a step further by joining the worldwide effort to protect Mother Earth. Every small action taken to improve the well-being of the environment will come back to benefit yourself, your family, your friends and everyone who calls the planet home in the future.

Start a Community Project. Get members of your local community involved, so that everyone can work together to help this planet flourish. Start growing vegetables in your garden or plant some trees in an area where others can enjoy them and take part as well - with the landowner's permission of course. If you have time to spare, try organizing litter-picking events and invite your neighbors and friends to lend a helping hand.

Be a Conscious Consumer. Support and buy from companies committing to environmental conservation for a healthier planet. Choosing from providers who are exclusively adopting eco-packaging and eco-friendly materials - like LG and its lineup of soundbars and OLED TVs - means that by consuming their products, you're effectively lessening the harm being done to our one-of-a-kind Earth.

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