10 Reasons Entrepreneurs Love What They Do

Getting stuck in the grind lately? Need a little reminder of why you became an entrepreneur in the first place. Hopefully these reasons and quotes of inspiration will help pull you back on to your feet. Enjoy!

1. Sticking it to ‘the man’

“Being able to send that email to my last boss and truly ‘stick it to the man’ felt amazing. It was something that I had been wrestling with for a while. Everything from financial security and the fear (if I’m to be totally honest) of potentially falling flat on my face, came into play. But, when I made the decision to quit, once and for all, I did it, and I’ve never looked back.”
- Chris Ducker, Founder of Virtual Staff Finder and the Virtual Business Lifestyle blog.

2. The good life

“That’s why I do it. Desire for a better life”
- Eric T. Wagner, Founder and CEO of Mighty Wise Academy: A Virtual Academy For Entrepreneurship.

3. Serving others

“I wanted everyone to try my product or service, and I wanted them to love it as I did. That’s really what it comes down to; an almost unquenchable passion for what you are doing for others. Being a great entrepreneur really means you delight in the service of others, I suppose. What a pure and meaningful motivator after all.”
- Alex Lawrence, Founder of StartupFlavor

4. Learn something new every day

“My new business is like a new relationship – I started it over a year ago and am still feeling the butterflies! I love that I am learning something new every day.”
- Allie Pohl, Founder of Ideal Woman

5. To have an impact

“To have the biggest impact on the world possible. We only live one life and as an entrepreneur, you can literally change the lives of millions of people by introducing products that they use daily. I can’t think of anything else I could do with my skill set that could have the same affect.”
- Immad Akhund, Co-Founder & CEO at Heyzap

6. Building something from nothing

“I take pride in knowing I’ve created something from scratch. There are many sacrifices you make when you are an entrepreneur. It certainly isn’t for everyone. But when you give everything you have and succeed, you are rewarded with a feeling of pride you could never get from being a cog in a big corporation.”
- Gabriel Shaoolian, CEO & Founder of Blue Fountain Media

7. To never regret

“My idea for my product/business was so simple, that I was afraid that in a few years I would see my idea on store shelves and that I would never be able to live with the regret I would feel knowing it was my idea first and someone else was making money from it. The fear of regret was so much stronger than the fear of failure, that I didn’t feel like I had a choice.”
- Leslie Haywood, Founder & President at Grilled Charms by Charmed Life Products

8. Control

“This is my number one reason. You’re in total control of your own destiny. If you want to take a day off to go kite surfing you can – it’s a simple equation of the benefit of the kite surfing versus the lost equity in the business.”
- Alex, Director of the London School of Attraction

9. Creativity

“Running your own business lets you be more creative. For instance, you can experiment with a new website design, new marketing strategy, create innovative products that attacks a known problem in a different way, create new packaging and new advertising campaigns. You have an infinite room to bring in your creativity in a small business that you found.”
- Balaji Viswanathan, Cofounder belimitless.co

10. Follow your passion

“Entrepreneurship presents you with the opportunity to do something you are passionate about. Are you a crafter, blogger or software developer? Turn that passion into profit!
Determine what makes your product, system or tool unique, research your competition, define your differentiating factors, and determine how you can turn that hobby into a lucrative business.
Confucius said… ‘Choose a job you love, and you will never have to work a day in your life.’ So true!”
- Rebekah Radice, CEO of Rebekah Radice LLC, a digital marketing agency assisting business owners in the creation and execution of an integrated online strategy.

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