Worried about Ebola? You should be more concerned about these deadly diseases

(BPT) - Ebola has been one of the top headlines in the nation in the second half of 2014, resulting in much discussion among government leaders, community leaders and health-care officials as they determine how to test for and treat the disease on U.S. soil.

What many of these headlines are missing are the other deadly superbugs already prevalent in hospitals, health care and daycare settings across the country - as well as many communities. Methicillin-resistant staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) and other bacteria are found in many public locations and are often resistant to antibiotics. In the United States, 23,000 deaths are attributed to health care-associated infections annually, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

Zenosense, Inc. (OTCQB: ZENO) is developing a health care and medical diagnostic tool using scent-detection technology inspired by NASA to help health-care staff quickly identify early signs of MRSA and other deadly bacteria. This technology - using scent to identify the bacteria in a room - can help prevent vulnerable patients from being exposed to the bacteria.

This public company is also working on a device that will help detect early signs of lung cancer, following the same concept. The anticipated device will be able to smell signs of cancer when a patient blows into it.

Staph bacteria is found on the skin or in the noses of many Americans, but it isn't harmful or resistant to antibiotics. Only about 2 percent of the American population has MRSA staph bacteria on the skin. It becomes deadly, however, when this bacterium is able to enter the body via a wound and attack a person's already-weakened immune system.

MRSA and other superbugs become resistant to antibiotics due to the high exposure they have to antibiotics. The CDC advises doctors should only prescribe antibiotics when a patient is suffering from an infection.

The plan is for Zenosense's device to help medical staff determine whether MRSA and other superbugs are present in a room by embedding the device on ID badges or name badges, which are already worn by hospital staff. A warning beep or blinking light will alert the staff member, who can then contact a cleaning crew to remove the bacteria before it could potentially infect a patient.

These devices using scent technology to detect bacteria and lung cancer are still under development. Investors have the opportunity to become involved in supporting the development of this latest medical breakthrough, as Zenosense is a publicly traded company.

Ebola is capturing media attention, but Americans shouldn't forget there are plenty of other deadly diseases people are exposed to in their communities.

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