Women at Work: A Curated Store Featuring Talented Women on Fiverr

At Fiverr, we celebrate and support female freelancers, entrepreneurs, and small business owners today and every day. To help spotlight and recognize the achievements of the community that makes up our platform, we’re launching an all-new store for Women’s History Month and International Women’s Day that highlights some of Fiverr’s top female talent. Our new store features over 100 women that sell services on Fiverr in fields such as web design and development, video, graphic design and more. 

Unfortunately, pay equity and discrimination is something that women continue to battle on a daily basis. However, here’s a fact that should leave you feeling optimistic — sellers on platforms and marketplaces are evaluated on their experience, portfolio, reviews, and quality of their work, so the chances of discriminating based on gender are much less. To that end, we released platform-specific gender pay gap information based on a sample of data, showing that women on our platform are out-earning men in more ways than one. Specific statistics include: 

  • Globally, women are making more than men on Fiverr. The average earnings for women are 19% higher than the average earnings for men. They are also earning roughly 3% more on a per-project basis than men. 
  • Female freelancers are also receiving more work than men, leading to these higher earnings. In December of 2019, they benefited from 5% more projects from customers than men. And in June of the same year, they received 10% more projects from customers than men.  
  • And the money they are making per month is only going up. From January 2019 to December 2019, their earnings per month increased by 18%. 

Check out our new store here and stay tuned for more female-focused content, stories, and news about our talented community all month long. 

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