Why Do You Really Want to Be a Freelancer?

Why is it that you want to be a freelancer? There is a great amount of risk that deters many people from committing to the freelance world. Still the benefits are alluring and are continuing to pull many people in the modern workforce into the realm of full time freelance work. So why is it that you really want to be a freelancer?

Pursuit of Happiness

Most likely, the push to find freelance work is driven from a desire to find a greater, longer-lasting happiness. Freelance work could be the exact remedy you need to cure your workplace blues. In the freelance world – you get to choose your own clients, and the type of work you pursue. The secret to a happy freelancer if finding the space where your passion and a needed service converge. If this is the industry you see yourself in, then freelance work could give you the fulfillment that you are looking for.


The idea of being your own boss is appealing, especially after getting chewed out over your last mishap at the office. But before you fantasize about the joys of being the one in charge, it is important to see both sides of this issue. Being the person in charge means that every decision is yours to make, every headache is yours to fix, every bump in the road is yours to steer around. This can result in something known as “decision fatigue” as you go on. If not acknowledged and dealt with, this could cause your fledgling business to crash and burn. Understanding that being in control of everything has its risks, will help you enjoy the rewards, like being able to choose your clients and set your own hours. The real essence of why you want to be a freelancer.


Spending late hours in the office without seeing additional financial rewards can make you ponder about switching to a career where you are in control of all the money in and out. Again, this is easy to daydream about, but the harsh realities of the situation are erratic income and no benefits. Make sure you have a comfortable amount of savings before you take the risk of a freelance career. It is recommended that you have enough to cover living expenses for somewhere between four to six months. It may take that long, if not longer to develop steady income sources.


The newest benefit of freelance work is location independence. With a wide variety of skills now being available to perform remotely, the freelance community has gone global. This is an admirable and achievable skill, and one that could possibly lower your cost of living. Is this why you really want to become a freelancer? If so, make the most of it. If your skills are fetching you a livable wage in a city in the developed world, you could easily afford to travel and work in the developing world. Central and South America have Internet access and new opportunities to challenge yourself and stay creative. South East Asia is incredibly affordable once you arrive. The world is teaming with options, just like your future. So, why do you really want to be a freelancer?

The post Why Do You Really Want to Be a Freelancer? appeared first on Official Fiverr Blog.

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