When is a Longer Video Effective?

You’ve probably heard that when it comes to video content, “shorter is better.” And that’s a pretty good rule of thumb. If your video content doesn’t capture your audience’s attention quickly, they’ll move along to something else. We all know our feeds on Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube are clogged with video content already.

What Is The Optimal Length For Video Content?

In general, for most social media postings, a video should not be longer than 60-90 seconds, and in most cases, as short as possible!

But is there a case to be made for longer video content? Of course there is. It all depends on the stage of the customer journey, your objectives, and the type of audience you’re targeting.

As a potential prospect progresses through the “customer journey” (see the chart below), attention spans increase, and with that, so do the number of options for effective video types

video content customer journey funnel

There are definitely times when a longer commercial or explainer video can grab attention, but for the most part, longer videos will be watched by prospects who are closer to purchase or loyal customers who are looking to learn more and become experts at using your product/service.

6 Examples of Effective Longer Videos

  1. Customer on-boarding / Welcome Video
  2. A detailed introduction to your product or service and it’s main features or must-knows for getting started. Not to be confused with an explainer video, which is more for awareness.

    fiverr video content intro gig

  3. Product demos/demonstrations of new features
  4. Try to focus only on one or two features per video

  5. Tutorials and training videos
  6. Great for current customers who need to diver deeper into your product/ service

  7. Inspirational content
  8. Content like founder or thought leader interviews in your space (think TED Talks) are the type of videos people will stick around longer to watch

  9. Best practices from other happy customers
  10. A video of another one of your customers giving tips/tricks on how to use your product best will come across as authentic and engaging

    On a more fun and spontaneous note, vlogs, live videos, and Snapchat/Instagram stories showing interesting things from your company or daily life works great in longer formats.

When targeting existing customers, your video’s job is to give your customers all the tools they need to succeed, so feel free to make it as long as you need, but keep the targeting tight and personal. A generic demo video just doesn’t have the same impact as a customized one that touches on the specific challenges you’re solving for that type of customer.


We’re firm believers that videos should be as short as possible. But there are exceptions to this rule, as you progress through the customer journey and look to engage and educate your customers in new ways. Longer videos can be very effective, when targeted correctly and used at the right stage of the customer journey.

What’s your experience with longer videos been like? Have any questions we can help answer? Let us know in the comments

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