What Facebook’s Hello App Means for Freelancers

After years of development led by Facebook’s product manager Andrea Vaccari, the Hello app has debuted for android and is available now in the Google Play store. This new app has several features, which attempt to give you more control over who you speak to on the phone. Its most notable feature is the caller ID function that crosschecks the number with all numbers shared on Facebook to allow you to see relevant information at the moment you decide to pick up the phone. This works for both private individuals (if your privacy options allow for it) and businesses alike. It also has a streamlined search feature that essentially integrates a Yelp type app into the phone’s dialer. Is it a monumental difference, no, but you may find yourself solely using Hello instead of switching back and forth between apps.

So how can all of this help you as a freelancer?

Attaching your business phone number to a Facebook page, already allows you to connect with millions in an ever-growing online community. Now Hello adds another level. You will be able to appear in searches when people are at the moment of action. By building a professional Facebook page, you may get increased leads due to this search and call function.

The caller ID function will also help you save time when deciding to pick up a phone cal from an unknown number. The instinct is to let an unknown number go to voicemail these days, but that can mean missed opportunities. However, picking up every unknown number will increase your daily interruptions and may put you into conversations you wish to avoid.

So is it worth it?

That remains to be seen. Facebook is not monetizing the app just yet, and will probably take the best features and roll them into something else if Hello flops like their last phone app Home did. As a freelancer, most of your business is conducted through email and new clients are often brought in through word of mouth. How many clients will cold call you through an app on Android only operating system? Our guess is not too many. On top of that, you often already have your client’s information stored in your phone, so do you really need an app to insert a pretty picture along with their number?


Still, there is potential here for both Facebook and the Freelancer. Certain niche markets that leverage Facebook pages may get a lot of mileage from this app. More people will be likely to answer in niche markets where the respondent already has expressed interest and is familiar with the freelancer. If you have created a positive brand image or freelance reputation then a client will know who you are before they pick up the phone. This can save time when following up with clients and allow you to network more easily. If you have an android phone or a Facebook page, we say it would be worth saying Hello to Facebook’s new app.

The post What Facebook’s Hello App Means for Freelancers appeared first on Official Fiverr Blog.

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