To get the job done sometimes, you have to learn to master the art of collaboration. Whether it’s a special project that requires collaboration with partners or clients or assembling together a team to work toward the same goal, collaboration can get the job done more efficiently.
In today’s economy, as more and more jobs become remote and off-site, collaboration becomes a necessary skill to master. If you’re a web designer using Fiverr’s marketplace to showcase your services, for example, you may need to collaborate over some distance with a copywriter and a web developer to get the job done for your clients.
So what’s collaboration, then? Essentially, it’s looking at yourself as part of a team. Here are some techniques to get collaborative, so that you can get the job done.
Always Be on the Same Page
You can only get the job done when collaborating if everyone is on the same page. If you’re working with people for the same goal, but everyone is still spending time on their own projects, then nothing will move forward because everyone is distracted.
Instead, it pays to have a meeting with everyone to establish exactly what needs to be done by whom and by when. That’s how to get everyone you’re collaborating with on the same page. This applies both to short- and long-term goals that you are working toward.
Make Great Use of Technology
You absolutely have to use the amazing technology that’s all around you these days. It helps you become more organized, more efficient and, ultimately, more productive. How can you not take advantage of these wonderful tools?
Collaboration becomes seamless when you use tech tools to work on the same project with your team members. There are many tools you can take advantage of to enhance collaboration:
- Google Docs: This free and web-based office suite lets you share Word and Excel files, as well as edit them.
- Evernote: Evernote is a suite type of services and software, intended for archiving and note-taking.
- Timebridge: Fewer people may have heard of this tool, but it’s not any less effective or helpful. This tool lets you share your calendar availability, set up meetings and start a meeting countdown with everyone with whom you collaborate.
Emphasize Crystal Clear Communication
Great communication is always at the heart of every successful and fulfilling relationship. No, we’re not talking personal relationships here—we’re talking business relationships. When you communicate well with those with whom you collaborate, you will get your job done in a much more efficient manner than you ever thought possible.
For starters, communication should always be equal parts give and take (as in talking and listening) when you’re working with others. This keeps things in balance and doesn’t let anyone feel left out or, conversely, like they have to carry the entire effort by themselves. It’s also important for every member of the collaborative effort to directly connect with everyone else. This creates a greater feeling of cohesion.
By working in a team setting, you have to consider others’ opinions and ideas while also clearly voicing your own. Good communication makes the whole process that much smoother.
Get Your Job Done by Being Collaborative
Collaboration can come in any number of different shapes. It can come in the form of working with different professionals on the same project, with clients whose input you require or as part of a dedicated team that pushes toward a well-defined goal. Whatever the purpose of collaboration is, you can get your job done more efficiently with the right strategies.
These include making sure that everyone has a defined role and is working toward the same goal, using technology to make collaboration easier, and communicating well while collaborating. At the end of the day, collaboration should move you closer to completing tasks, not create friction.
The post Ways to Be Collaborative in Getting Your Job Done appeared first on Official Fiverr Blog.