Tips for Living the Gig Economy Lifestyle

For the last few days, we’ve been recapping our recent Tweetchat with Wise Bread about the Gig Economy Lifestyle, and talking about how making money by doing work that you’re passionate about can have significant financial and emotional rewards.

Now that we’ve reviewed everything from the benefits of living the Gig Economy Lifestyle to finding gigs that allow you the to live the Gig Economy Lifestyle, it’s time to look at the best few relevant tips to keep in mind.

If you’re new to taking on gigs, or are just thinking about getting started, these tips can help you find success.

As with most undertakings, a good start helps make the entire journey a good one. So if you’re just starting to take on gigs, do everything you can to start out at the top of your game. Figure out what’s unique about your offering and learn the secrets of others in your field who you think are the best. This advice is true for just about any career, from graphic design to wedding photography.


But as we said so many times, passion is a key component to getting the most out of the Gig Economy Lifestyle. Passion is what will allow you to set yourself apart form others and get potential customers to take notice. Once you’ve discovered the benefits of making money by following a dream or doing something you absolutely love, chances are you’ll find it difficult to do any other kind of work.

These two tips from our readers encapsulate the most important aspects of living the Gig Economy Lifestyle, but there are others that can make finding gigs easier and more rewarding. For instance, promoting yourself online and being an expert scheduler will both come in handy when it comes to finding new work and making sure you have ample time to devote to each project.

What are your tips for successfully living the Gig Economy Lifestyle? What advice would you give to someone who is thinking about dipping their toe in the Gig Economy?

Previously in this series:

Part 7: Benefits of the Gig Economy Lifestyle

The post Tips for Living the Gig Economy Lifestyle appeared first on Official Fiverr Blog.

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