Theviolinist: From Musician to Programmer, to Musician Again

Stuart, known on Fiverr® as theviolinist, is a violinist, composer,
Classical, electric, rock, jazz, blues, folk, country and everything in between. A former computer programmer, he dropped everything to focus on his music. Here is his story.

I started violin at age 10. I gave it up at 24.

I was in an academy and on a scholarship at 14. I toured the world as a “famous violinist” from 19-24 years old. I was in the world’s most famous chamber orchestra. But I got bored, playing the same music—Hayden, Mozart, whatever—every day and every night of the year. I got bored, so I gave up.

I bought books on computer programming, read the lot, and three months later I had a new job: a computer programmer/analyst in Switzerland. I was the top dog there for about 10 years, but my heart still belonged to music. So again I left.

To start with, I busked on the street. I played with anyone and anything. I became, again, a musician. I formed my own jazz band and toured around. But I was never free.

Enter Fiverr.

If ever there was an accident looking for a place to happen! Did Fiverr find me or did I find Fiverr? I don’t know. But “do what you do best, and do it better than the rest” sounded cool to me. So I got my first Gig®. Then the second. Snowball.

People love talent. They also love and know truth. So when Fiverr says, “Give a little more,” they don’t mean “cheat.” They mean, “How much do you love what you do?” They mean, “Give the very, very best of yourself—because you can—for as long as you can.”
I now have many repeat customers. I have the freedom, because of those customers, to play violin the way I really wish to and can. Why? Don’t know. But I love their music as much as they love my violin on it.

Seems like a good deal to me.

Fiverr will support you. A system that assures payment if you do the work? Wonderful! Do the work. Give more. Not because you must, but because you can. Life (and Fiverr) will reward you. It is your life. Go grab it.

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