There are many benefits to purchasing services on Fiverr.
Fiverr has thousands of sellers from more than 196 countries offering more than 3 million Gigs, but it’s easy to focus in on exactly what you’re looking for. It takes only minutes to find the service you need offered by a highly rated seller.
Check out over 120 different categories. All services start at $5
Fiverr sellers are committed to quality. Many have years of professional experience and have chosen to offer their services on Fiverr because they prefer engaging directly with buyers over working a 9 to 5 job.
Fiverr makes it easy to evaluate the quality of a seller’s work. Samples are posted right on the seller’s Gig page, along with reviews that help you understand what the customer experience will be like.
Fiverr is fast. Fiverr sellers are passionate about satisfying their buyers, and they are focused on turning around a high-quality product as quickly as possible.
Fiverr offers great value. Because Fiverr makes it easy for buyers to find good sellers, and because Fiverr handles all the “marketing” and financial transactions, most sellers don’t have to spend any money on advertising or additional business services. This means they can afford to offer their services at a lower price than they would outside of Fiverr.
How Fiverr Works
Fiverr is simple. Just create an account, and choose from a variety of ways to pay for the Gigs you purchase, including credit card, PayPal, BitCoin, Skrill, Dwolla, and Fiverr Credit (which you can earn by selling services on Fiverr).
Next, search for Gigs using a keyword, or browse the business-focused categories, including Graphics & Design, Online Marketing, Writing & Translation, Video & Animation, Music & Audio, Programming & Tech, Advertising, and General Business. Perhaps you need a search engine optimization specialist, or need to translate your marketing materials into Spanish or Chinese. Perhaps you’d like to produce a promotional video or custom voicemail greetings. Whether you need fixes to your website, answers to business tax questions, or flyers handed out at the University of Chicago, Fiverr has a way to get it done.
Once you find the type of service you need, easily review the profiles and Gig pages of multiple sellers. On a seller’s profile page, you’ll see where the seller is located, the languages that are spoken, the average response time to an enquiry, when the last completed project was delivered, the complete list of Gigs the seller offers, and reviews of the seller written by other buyers. You can also send a message to the seller from this page to clarify any issues.
On the Gig page, you can read a description of the basic Gig being offered, see the average turnaround time, review the available upgrades—called “Gig extras”—and read the buyer reviews specific to this Gig.
After deciding on a Gig, you can order it with just a couple of mouse clicks.
That’s all there is to it. And once you see how fast, easy, and affordable it is to purchase highly-reliable, high-quality business services, you’ll come back to Fiverr again and again.
Check out over 120 different categories. All services start at $5
The post The Benefits of Using Fiverr appeared first on Official Fiverr Blog.