The 4 Gig Guide to Website Optimization

Adam Tanguay runs SEO and Content Marketing at Weebly, the DIY website builder that’s helped over 20 million entrepreneurs and business owners bring their best ideas to life.

Over at Weebly, we get to watch people bring their ideas to life and create high-quality websites, online stores and blogs every day, so we’ve seen first-hand the specific challenges of website optimization. Whether it’s the desire for more traffic, signups, or something else entirely, optimizing a website to meet your specific goals takes time and expertise. This guide provides a carefully curated Gig® recipe designed to guide you toward the right optimization plan for your website.

1. Keyword Research

We all know that SEO is a vital component of a successful website, but before you start thinking about stuff like link building, structured data markup or even organic content, you need to tackle keyword research. Keyword research forms the base from which all future SEO strategies grow, and it’s far from a basic task. Long tail keywords generally provide the best ROI for developing websites but they take time and experience to uncover, so finding a professional to help with keyword research is a crucial first step toward a successful SEO campaign. The initial keyword research process will help drive every additional SEO task and help your website gain valuable search visibility.

2. Beautiful Headers

Once you’re on the path to a successful SEO campaign you need to make sure you can backup the traffic you’ll earn with a quality visual experience for new visitors. As the single most visible part of your website header design must be flawless. Whether you’re creating from scratch or customizing via website builders, an experienced and sophisticated visual design eye is needed to execute the right header. If you don’t have a strong sense of design, it’s worth finding a designer for website headers. A high-quality header will keep visitors engaged and reduce abandonment and bounce rates.

3. Site Audits

There’s a reason big companies spend lots of money on user testing and direct analysis, a website simply can’t grow without proper feedback. An objective site audit will reveal both weaknesses and strengths that you may otherwise have missed, providing an invaluable part of your website optimization plan. Whether it’s an SEO audit or a UX runthrough, you should find someone to audit your website and get the feedback necessary to make informed optimization decisions.

4. Translation Services

It’s obvious that your website is available to anyone in the world with an Internet connection, but what’s not always obvious is how to use this global connectivity to attract international visitors. The most important step for international optimization is properly translated website content. Once you’ve determined the target locations and languages that make sense for your website, connect with the right translator to localize content. You can check the work quickly by bringing on an additional translator to edit and review the first translation to ensure accuracy and quality. Once you’ve incorporated the content into a multi-language version of your site you’re well on your way to reaching a fresh new international audience.

What Gigs do you find most useful for website optimization?

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