The 10 Most Creative Business Cards of All-Time

Yes, business cards are still a thing! 

Much of a modern business owner’s communication exists only in the digital world, so it may seem like handing out a business card is a little old-school.

Why are Business Cards Still Relevant? 

There are plenty of circumstances where having a business card is beneficial and, often, crucial for growth and prosperity. 

Even if you work solely online, at some point, there will be a time and place where you will want to have a physical card to leave so people will remember you:

  • Meeting with new clients
  • Working a business expo or tradeshow
  • Prospecting for new business 
  • Networking with colleagues or other companies

No matter who you meet face to face, you’ll want to leave a lasting impression. If you provide a new client with a creatively-designed card complete with your contact information, you are sure to stand out from the rest and gain the business you deserve.

What Should Be on a Business Card?

The standard dimensions of a printed business card are 3.5 x 2 inches, which doesn’t leave much room. But that’s good! You don’t want to be wordy or give too much information for the potential contact.  

Keep the details straightforward and to a minimal, but be sure to include the following:

  • Full name and professional title
  • Company logo/business name
  • Phone number and email
  • Website URL (if it is different than email)
  • Primary social media handle/s

Also, don’t cut corners! Be sure you use professional-grade card stock for printing.  There are many affordable sources online for quality business card printing both at home and by mail or pickup. 

Overall, the goal of a business card is to provide whoever you just met with a reminder of who you are, what you do, and why you might be a useful contact. At the same time, you must consider how you can make your card stand out from the rest. 

Here are 10 of the Most Creative Business Cards Out There

1. The Drawing Room has a colorful, double-card feature. 

2. Flow Yoga got very creative with a card that rolls into a mat!

3.  Sommelier Mylène Poisson added a unique signature with a wine stain. 

4. Logoholik provides contact information with a personalized copy.

5. Nymbl’s playful purple cards immediately catch your attention with its unique logo and hole punches.

6. Bon Vivant’s cards were created by JWT, and double as a cheese grater!

7. You really get a sense of Taryn Knight’s profession with her creative touch.

8. Mountain Creative Studio uses a combination of imagery, geometric shapes, and typography.

9. Kalma Studio uses elegant simplicity with bright shapes again a neutral, minimalist background.

10. This interior decorator went with a clear design with white elements and text, creating a truly unique style.

Create and Print Your Own Business Cards

There are many user-friendly options available online where you can design and print your business cards:

  • Vistaprint
  • Adobe Spark
  • Canva
  • Moo

Hire a Fiverr Design Expert for Business Cards

If you don’t have the time to design your own, hire a freelancer to create an eye-catching business card care that is sure to be unforgettable.

Whether you need a designer to run with their own creativity, or you’d like to work step-by-step in the process, you can find the right fit with the graphic design freelancers at Fiverr.

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