5 steps to tackling technology and raising your Gen Z child

(BPT) – Parenting a child from any generation can be challenging to say the least, but for parents to children of Generation Z, the struggles are very different and — when compared to a parent’s own childhood — often confusing.
Unlike previous generations, those in Generation Z (those born in 1995 and onward) are seemingly less interested in part-time work, driving or even hanging out with friends. Technology is a big part of this, and many Generation Z kids — of all ages — favor screen time over social time. If this scenario sounds familiar, this article offers some helpful parenting advice, including tips from Thai Life Insurance on how to better control technology’s place in your home.
* Remind them always of what’s most important. Technology can be exciting, and for children it’s easy to get swept up in the hype of the newest, latest and greatest thing. As a parent, however, don’t be afraid to bring your child back to earth and remind them of what’s really important — life and love. “Mother Knows Best,” a powerful video from Thai Life Insurance, provides a perfect example of such a conversation. This thoughtful, tear-jerking vignette shows one mother’s struggle to connect with her technology-obsessed child in a touching conversation that reaffirms love is more important than tech, and will change the way you see discussions at the dinner table. The latest in a long line of Thai Life Insurance spots — watched by millions — “Mother Knows Best” is the latest to support the company’s values of life and love, and it is sure to have you calling your mother. Watch the video today.
* Guide screen time’s role. Generation Z children were virtually born with technology, so you can’t expect that you’ll eliminate it completely. Instead, encourage screen time that offers additional benefits. Watch a movie together, encourage your child to enroll in remote learning options, or if they are older, to take online courses or use the internet to learn more about things that interest them.
* Plan activities away from tech. One of the best ways to limit your children’s screen time is to set yourself up to be the alternative. Plan family activities that require you to get outside and do something rather than sit indoors and stare at a screen. Make a rule of no cellphones while you’re out on your event and you’ll spend more time focused on each other.
* Set an example. Your children learn from you every single day, not only from what you tell them but by watching what you do. Set a positive example by how you act, the way you speak and in living your values, and your children will follow suit. This is also a great way to help control children’s technology use. You can’t be angry with your children for focusing on their screens if you are doing the same thing.
* Mistakes are OK. Every parent has the urge to stop their child from suffering failure, but the truth is that these failures — if not detrimental to their long-term physical or academic health — can help children learn valuable lessons they will be denied if you are constantly correcting course for them. Let them fall, and be there to help them get back up.
Start implementing your new strategies today
The world of technology is always changing and your child is always on the go. As a parent, that means there’s no time like the present to start implementing the ideas above. Connect with your child face-to-face and you’ll help develop the quality time and values you’re both striving for.
To learn more about Thai Life Insurance and its values of life and love, watch the “Mother Knows Best” video today. Just be sure you have your tissues ready.
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