Superseller Claudioa: A Fiverr Love Story

Claudio, known on Fiverr as Claudioa, creates high-quality, professional explainer videos. That wasn’t his first Gig® idea when he started on Fiverr, but it turns out that he and his girlfriend had a unique talent for it, which is why their Fiverr business is thriving, which in turn enabled Claudio and his girlfriend to get married! And now we’re pleased to congratulate Claudio on becoming our latest Super Seller!

Claudio’s Fiverr Journey

I am Portuguese and in 2013, I moved to Brazil to be with my girlfriend and work on a university internship. I am seeking my Master of Energy and Environment degree. I came across Fiverr when browsing the Internet for ways to make money online. Fiverr seemed the best site because of its beautiful design and diversity of jobs it offered. I was also inspired by the other sellers. After seeing thousands of people selling amazing services from all around the world, I thought I would be able to find my place in the sun.

Signing up was very easy, and I started looking for services I could sell. I decided on English-Portuguese translations, and I sold my first Gig a few days after posting it. To help sell the Gig, I learned how to make a nice Gig video, and it came out so nice that I decided to post an animation video production Gig. My girlfriend teamed up with me, and we’ve been very successful since day one, delivering amazing animated videos to hundreds of customers.

I’ve grown my business by striving to satisfy every single customer who buys a Gig. A good reputation helps to keep me at the top of Fiverr’s search results, and satisfied customers often come back to me and refer me to other buyers. I promote my Gigs through a specifically designed Facebook page, where I put samples and have advertising campaigns, and I also look for Facebook groups and Internet forums that attract my target audience. This gives me a chance to speak about my Fiverr Gigs. I think buyers like Fiverr because they feel more secure when they see my reputation and when they know they can use Fiverr’s secure payment system to ensure I receive the money only after their project is delivered successfully.

Right now Fiverr represents around 80 percent of our income. During the first year, we just saved money to move to Portugal. We were more successful than we expected and we saved enough money to make the move with a better sense of security. Now we live in Lisbon, Portugal, and Fiverr is helping me finish my master’s program and pay our expenses here.


Advice for Newcomers

Be consistent. If you are reliable, provide good quality, and give your clients peace of mind, they will come back for more. Also be open and honest. I am always clear about what my Gig offers and what I can do for the buyer—and then I deliver exactly what I have promised. There are bumps on the road, but with good communication and understanding you can get around 99 percent of the problems.

Finally, participate in the Fiverr Community Forum. It is amazing the amount of feedback you can get from people with different backgrounds. For instance, if I want help with my Gig, I can get advice related to SEO, design, writing, and so on. It really is an excellent pool of talent. I also like to contribute to threads and help people who need it.

The Impact of Fiverr

Fiverr has had a huge positive impact on our lives. We discovered new individual and collective talents, and it has allowed us to work together as a great team. It has definitely changed the way we think about our careers and the ideal work-life balance.

Join us in congratulating Claudio in the comments below. If you have a great story you’d like to share, please send it to us by email at

The post Superseller Claudioa: A Fiverr Love Story appeared first on Official Fiverr Blog.

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Superseller Claudioa: A Fiverr Love Story

Claudio, known on Fiverr as Claudioa, creates high-quality, professional explainer videos. That wasn’t his first Gig® idea when he started on Fiverr, but it turns out that he and his girlfriend had a unique talent for it, which is why their Fiverr business is thriving, which in turn enabled Claudio and his girlfriend to get married! And now we’re pleased to congratulate Claudio on becoming our latest Super Seller!

Claudio’s Fiverr Journey

I am Portuguese and in 2013, I moved to Brazil to be with my girlfriend and work on a university internship. I am seeking my Master of Energy and Environment degree. I came across Fiverr when browsing the Internet for ways to make money online. Fiverr seemed the best site because of its beautiful design and diversity of jobs it offered. I was also inspired by the other sellers. After seeing thousands of people selling amazing services from all around the world, I thought I would be able to find my place in the sun.

Signing up was very easy, and I started looking for services I could sell. I decided on English-Portuguese translations, and I sold my first Gig a few days after posting it. To help sell the Gig, I learned how to make a nice Gig video, and it came out so nice that I decided to post an animation video production Gig. My girlfriend teamed up with me, and we’ve been very successful since day one, delivering amazing animated videos to hundreds of customers.

I’ve grown my business by striving to satisfy every single customer who buys a Gig. A good reputation helps to keep me at the top of Fiverr’s search results, and satisfied customers often come back to me and refer me to other buyers. I promote my Gigs through a specifically designed Facebook page, where I put samples and have advertising campaigns, and I also look for Facebook groups and Internet forums that attract my target audience. This gives me a chance to speak about my Fiverr Gigs. I think buyers like Fiverr because they feel more secure when they see my reputation and when they know they can use Fiverr’s secure payment system to ensure I receive the money only after their project is delivered successfully.

Right now Fiverr represents around 80 percent of our income. During the first year, we just saved money to move to Portugal. We were more successful than we expected and we saved enough money to make the move with a better sense of security. Now we live in Lisbon, Portugal, and Fiverr is helping me finish my master’s program and pay our expenses here.


Advice for Newcomers

Be consistent. If you are reliable, provide good quality, and give your clients peace of mind, they will come back for more. Also be open and honest. I am always clear about what my Gig offers and what I can do for the buyer—and then I deliver exactly what I have promised. There are bumps on the road, but with good communication and understanding you can get around 99 percent of the problems.

Finally, participate in the Fiverr Community Forum. It is amazing the amount of feedback you can get from people with different backgrounds. For instance, if I want help with my Gig, I can get advice related to SEO, design, writing, and so on. It really is an excellent pool of talent. I also like to contribute to threads and help people who need it.

The Impact of Fiverr

Fiverr has had a huge positive impact on our lives. We discovered new individual and collective talents, and it has allowed us to work together as a great team. It has definitely changed the way we think about our careers and the ideal work-life balance.

Join us in congratulating Claudio in the comments below. If you have a great story you’d like to share, please send it to us by email at

The post Superseller Claudioa: A Fiverr Love Story appeared first on Official Fiverr Blog.

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