Super Seller Cosminmala: Designing a Life Together on Fiverr

Cosmin, aka cosminmala on Fiverr®, is a graphic artist and Top Rated Seller on Fiverr, lives in Romania and has been working on Fiverr for more than two years, designing logos, book and magazine covers, flyers and banners, and much more.

His girlfriend of more than five years, Roxana, is also a graphic artist and Level 2 Seller, known as roxanad on Fiverr – having learned graphic design from Cosmin. Thanks to Fiverr, Cosmin is living the life he dreamed. He now works exclusively on Fiverr and Roxana earns about 90 percent of her income from Gigs. Here he is to share their story.

Cosmin’s Fiverr Journey

I’m from a small town in Romania. Although I studied programming in college, I love graphic design. About two years ago, a friend told me about Fiverr, and I thank him from the bottom of my heart! I signed up, created a Gig, and had my first order after about two days. My first Gig® was removing backgrounds from photos. After that, I created Gigs for flyers, posters, banners, logos, and more.

About a year ago, my mother passed away. She always liked watching me when I was designing flyers and logos, and she would give me good advice. Now I want to make her proud of me through everything I do on Fiverr!

Also, my girlfriend, Roxana, started working on Fiverr. She’d studied economics and public administration in school, but she loves fashion and design and always loved to draw. She learned Photoshop by watching me at work every day and started doing that on Fiverr by creating Gigs similar to mine. Like me, Roxana puts her heart into creating something special for every buyer.

Advice for Newcomers

I think new sellers should bring something original to Fiverr when they create their Gigs. It’s also important to introduce themselves to buyers with a Gig video. If they have questions, they should take advantage of the Fiverr Forum. I asked a lot of questions when I was starting on Fiverr, especially about promoting Gigs, and many sellers gave me good suggestions. Roxana thinks the most important things for someone new to Fiverr are to be honest and enjoy working with people.

Fiverr Has Changed Everything

Today, 100 percent of my income comes from Fiverr, and I want to keep Fiverr as my only job. Thanks to Fiverr, I bought a car at the beginning of this year, and we also bought new laptops, phones and other electronics. Now we are saving to invest in a future business in our city, and we hope to buy a house.

Cosmin buys car on Fiverr

Fiverr gave me the opportunity to earn a substantial income while doing what I love most. Roxana also feels that Fiverr has given her a purpose in life and a chance to do what she loves doing. We are both very grateful!

Congratulations to Cosmin, our latest Super Seller!

Join us in congratulating Cosmin (and Roxana!) in the comments below. If you have a great story you’d like to share, please send it to us by email at

The post Super Seller Cosminmala: Designing a Life Together on Fiverr appeared first on Official Fiverr Blog.

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