Skip Fiverr Gig Requirements and Get Your Order Started Faster

You’ve heard it before. We’re all about getting things done, and getting them done efficiently. So who would we be if we weren’t working to make sure our Gig creation process was as simple and seamless as possible? In our continuing efforts to increase the ease and execution of Gig ordering and creation, we’ve added an option to remove extra work. Counterintuitive, we know, but it’ll simplify the process, we swear.

Ensuring Trust and Customer Satisfaction

A little background: creating a Gig can come with a lot of steps. And until these steps are completed, sellers cannot begin work on a project. We do this to ensure that both buyer and seller have a good understanding of what the Gig deliverables are, so there isn’t any confusion during the delivery. But no two Gig creation processes are the same. Sometimes, when creating a Gig, the parties involved may find that adding Gig requirements are unnecessary. This could be because the seller already has all the information they need to start working, i.e. in cases where the buyer and seller have already communicated and agreed on all the Gig details.

Cut Straight to the Gig

So, here’s where the addition comes in. We’ve added in an option to “skip requirements.” When sending an offer to a buyer, sellers can now turn-off the Gig requirements for that offer. Also, when an order is in status “Incomplete” (waiting for the buyer to fill the requirements), sellers can now decide to skip the requirements step and start the order on their own. Ultimately, it removes a step that may hold up the entire process.

Select Gig requirements…
…then choose to skip requirements.

With new features, come new rules. If, as a seller, you choose to skip the Gig requirements stage, the order countdown will begin immediately. So be confident that you’re ready to start work and have all the information you need to deliver.

As always, let us know if you have questions below in comments. Or if you’ve used this feature already and have feedback, don’t hold back!

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