Simple Ways to Get Tips from Buyers Online

Fiverr® has grown to be a robust online community of both buyers and sellers. While those who come to Fiverr to sell a product often look to other sellers for advice, tips, and best practices, there’s a lot to learn from the sellers that frequent Fiverr for their needs. After all, Fiverr buyers can tell you their favorite kinds of services to shop for on Fiverr, the things that make a seller stand out, and what you can do to ensure the process goes as smoothly as possible.

Engage With Your Buyers

As a Fiverr seller, it can be tempting to view your relationship with buyers as purely transactional. While professionalism and focus on the task at hand is important for fostering a good relationship with your buyers, it’s can be a good idea to engage with your customer at some point about their experience with you and your offering. Once you’ve given them a product that they’re satisfied with, ask them what they enjoyed about the experience and what could maybe be improved.

Ask Around Online

If you haven’t noticed, people on the Internet like to talk. From movies to websites, if something exists in the world, there is a corner of the Internet devoted to talking about and dissecting it. Fiverr is no different. For instance, our forum features tips from buyers that are great for other buyers, as well as Fiverr sellers looking to gain insight into what the typical Fiverr customer is looking for.

Read Reviews

Online reviews can be a valuable resource for anyone who offers a product or service. For instance, if you’re a restaurant owner, perusing Yelp can give you a good idea of what customers do and don’t like in their dining experience. As a Fiverr seller, you can use buyer reviews from other related Gigs® to help you offer precisely what your customers are looking for. Chances are you’ll find people are looking for fast, high-quality results with a seller who overdelivers.

Become a Buyer

If you’re a Fiverr seller who has only reaped the financial rewards of making money on the site, there are some real benefits to becoming a buyer from time to time. You already know that Fiverr offers a wide range of products and services, but being a buyer can help you get an idea of what the experience is like from another side. When buying a product or service on Fiverr, ask yourself what about the experience you liked the best, what you would change, and how you can improve your own offering.

Listen to Buyers—But Follow Your Gut!

There’s an old saying that the customer is always right—except when they’re not. Keep in mind that some buyer feedback may not be right for what you have to offer, or even downright unreasonable. So while you want to collect as much buyer feedback as possible, listen to your instincts when it comes to applying the advice and feedback to your own offering.

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