Nicole Leinbach Reyhle is the Founder and Publisher of Retail Minded, the Co-Founder of the Independent Retailer Conference and a regular contributor to various publications. Additionally, Reyhle is the Author of the book “Retail 101: The Guide to Managing and Marketing Your Retail Business” from McGraw-Hill and has been the Spokesperson for Small Business Saturday from American Express since 2014. Follow Reyhle on Twitter at @RetailMinded.
You’ve heard it before and you’ll hear it again…first impressions count. This holds true for so much in life, but possibly the most obvious moments when first impressions matter are when you are factoring in visual appearances. Whether face-to-face or through images shared in magazines, online or anywhere else, many snap judgements are made based on visual appearances alone. Are you confident the images you share for your business are strong enough to make lasting, memorable impressions that you can be proud of?
Retouching photos is an art that historically only deep-pocketed businesses could appreciate. Fortunately, thanks to modern day technology and Gigpreuners, this art is now something brands of all sizes can enjoy. Among the ways in which photo editing may help your business include the following:
– Background Removal / Change
– Transparent Background
– Photo Restoration
– Digital Enhancing
– Facial Retouching
– Body Slimming
– Color Correction
– Merging Photos
– Removal of Objects
– Lighting Adjustments
– General Editing
When you consider all the variations in which photo editing can help an image, it’s also important to consider why editing is even necessary. The main reason is simple: draw your target’s attention to your brand. Here are four reasons why photo editing should be incorporated into your business strategy.
Improve Overall Composition
Composition is an interesting word, as it is often judged by the eye of the beholder. That said, if you’re the boss of your brand, identifying the right composition for your business is part of your job. How you want your brand and the images that portray it perceived is impacted by the images you share. Do you want a certain style of images exclusively shared for your brand, such as dramatic black and white photos? Or do you want a faded background with only one object clearly viewed in each image you share? The ideas are endless, as are the opportunities for editing. The catch is identifying what composition makes the most sense for your business. Fortunately, you’re the boss – so go ahead and make that judgement. Then hire a pro to help you make the necessary editing you need done.
Remove Imperfections/Distractions
The same way composition can help you capture attention, eliminating distracting elements can also help you capture attention, as well. Fortunately, this is good news since great images are often taken by chance or on purpose that include distracting elements. Editing can remove these objects entirely – helping your image go from great to perfect… or bad to amazing. The only barrier is your choice to have editing done or not. Thankfully, the affordability of editing is obtainable to businesses of all sizes nowadays – particularly because of Gigprenuers who offer these exact services.
Draw Attention to Key Focal Points
Let’s get to the point here…you want your audience to narrow in on key products, objects or images for a reason, right? After all, images you use for your business are aimed to help your brand make sales… right? Keeping this in mind, don’t waste the opportunity to draw your customer’s attention to key focal points. This marketing tactic does more than just please the eye… it can help lead to sales, which we know any brand can appreciate.
Sales Secret Weapon
Essentially, photo editing brings home the bacon by making you and your brand more appealing and aspirational. This help you build your brand’s cache, capture your audiences’ attention and imagination, and keeps customers engaged within your business. As for those first impressions? Get used to second, third, fourth, and many more impressions because when customers are visually engaged, loyalty is enhanced, as well. Photo enhancements may just be the trick to help make your customers loyal.
Don’t have the time or skill set to edit your own photos? Outsource to a professional quickly and cheaply on Fiverr.
Have any photo editing tips or tricks to share? Tell us in the comments below!
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