The Future of Greeting Cards: E-Cards vs. Print Cards

Eight years ago the signs were already appearing. The New York Times ran an article in 2007 about the decline of the greeting card among businesses, and the consequent emergence of the eCard in its place.

Today, this trend … Read More

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Gig Economy News: Staying Innovative While You’re Keeping Your Feet on the Ground

Do you ever get so caught up in the nitty-gritty of your business that you forget to pay attention to your mental space? Keeping your mind open, innovating, and active is an important part of entrepreneurship – as much as … Read More

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The Origin of the Ugly Holiday Sweater and Its Rise to Popularity

In the last few years, ugly holiday sweaters have become a common sight at office and family wintertime parties worldwide.

Curious about the trend, we recently sat down with Brian Miller, one of the co-founders of, to discuss … Read More

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Changing the Small Business Landscape: A Joint Blog Series from Kabbage and Fiverr

Donna Amos had twenty years of small business consulting experience before she decided to strike out on her own. As the founder of Soloprenuer Solutions, Donna now focuses on coaching fellow entrepreneurs on successful marketing tactics that drive results.

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Gig Economy News: Staying on Top of Trends, Developments and Innovation

It’s the first week in December and that means it’s the time of year when we start to take stock of the year that’s closing and begin to think of the goals we have moving forward. In both personal life … Read More

The post Gig Economy News: Staying on Top of Trends, Developments and Innovation appeared first on Official Fiverr Blog.

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