No Sleep Till Christmas: Tips on Delivering Gigs

Katie, aka Kymmypops on Fiverr®, is a longtime Super Seller who has completed over 10,000 orders and earned over $100,000 from her Gigs®.

Christmas is one of the busiest months for me (if not it’s THE busiest!) and I’m sure it’s the same for most businesses around the world. Everyone likes to advertise their discounts and savings or get a head start to the New Year and promote their January sales. Here are some tips to help you deliver Gigs throughout the holidays.

1) Stay organized

Getting a lot of orders in can be scary if you’re not used to it and sellers can get behind on orders, replying to messages etc. Try and give yourself a set amount of time to work. By giving yourself a time frame, it stops you procrastinating and adds a little bit of pressure, which means you’ll get faster results.

Creating a to do list can also really help you stay organised. Write down everything you want to achieve long term, then break this down into smaller, short term, achievable tasks. This way it’ll seem less daunting and you’ll feel good as your cross off each task from your to do list.

E.g. “Make $1,000 on Fiverr by Christmas” which you can break down into “complete 9 gigs a day (for 30 days) ” which seems a lot more doable! (And if you complete more, it’s a bonus!)

2) Get in the spirit

If you don’t have a lot of orders coming in, don’t worry! Take advantage of it and use your time to research new gigs or update your current ones to make them seasonable.

Keeping Gigs fresh and updated is also important for sales. If you create gigs around something you enjoy doing, it won’t feel like work so you’ll stay motivated longer. Showing customers that you are in the holiday spirit makes a big difference.

Taking little breaks every couple of hours helps me to get more done long term so when it’s time for me to work, I’m happy, positive and ready to kick arse!!

3) Stay cool

The weather outside might be cold but things can heat up and get stressful if you get behind on orders. To stay happy and calm at work make sure to take regular breaks, especially if you’re sat at a desk all day. Try gentle exercise, walking the dog, playing with your kids, even enjoying a quick cup of tea and a mince pie!

Anything that gives you time to unwind and de-stress is good for your health and therefore good for your work. If you push yourself too hard then you’ll get stressed and your work quality will go down.

Do not spend every hour by your computer replying to mail the second it comes in, checking e-mails a couple of times a day is fine. Dividing your time into “work” and “relaxation” can be difficult when it comes to working from home so limiting work/computer time can help you unwind.

4) Last minute shoppers

No matter what you sell or what you do you’ll always get last minute shoppers! By making sure you deliver quickly and guarantee delivery by Christmas (or better yet have 24 hour express delivery available on your Gig) then those last few days leading up to Christmas will REALLY increase your sales!

I normally work every day and although it’s common for me to batch order (complete lots of orders at once) I fully take advantage of the express delivery, starting at $5 and increasing the price to $50 or $100 on Christmas Eve.

5) Enjoy yourself!!

Most importantly, enjoy what you are doing and be happy! Although the holidays can be a great time to work and earn extra cash, remember to spend time with your family and friends – that’s what the holidays are for :)

Happy Holidays!

The post No Sleep Till Christmas: Tips on Delivering Gigs appeared first on Official Fiverr Blog.

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