Newbie on the Spot: Social Media Marketer Lynn Bisoul

Newbie on the Spot: We went full groupie over Lynn Bisoul—Instagram marketer, social media maven, and Fiverr newbie who is already scoring a well deserved A+ for originality and creativity. Get ready to “ooh” and “aah” as we get up close and personal with the social [media] butterfly, and share her inspirational tips on how to up your Gig game.

Who: Lynn Bisoul

What: Instagram Marketer

Where: Frankfurt, Germany

Fiverr Tagline: “I love to work on exciting, innovating projects!”

Hey Lynn! First things first – tell us a little bit about yourself and walk us through your typical day as a Social Media Marketer.

My name is Lynn Bisoul, I’m based out of Hamburg, Germany and I specialize in Digital/Social Media Marketing, while my main focus is Instagram! I create individualized engagement and growth strategies for my clients and offer ongoing management, which includes analyzing past and forecasting new content behavior. With orders coming in daily, I get pretty busy! I have clients from all over the world, which is amazing, and even though this job is all about juggling several tasks at once, it also pushes me to think quickly and creatively. I am learning new things every day, and that’s for sure the best part.

Do you mostly work with businesses or do you also market personal accounts?

Both! I love working with influencers, artists, and small businesses. I am in constant contact with all of my clients because I really value the power of communication and am passionate about delivering exceptional customer service. I make sure that I deliver my best work with each and every client.

What made you join Fiverr and how has it affected your biz?

I joined Fiverr because it was the easiest way to offer my services, extend my reach and put my Gig out there, where it can get the most exposure.

Talk to us about your first Fiverr sale! What was the most memorable thing about the experience?

My first Fiverr sale was a small-business owner that I referred from Facebook. It definitely felt amazing getting that first order. To my shock and delight, the following orders came pouring in way faster than expected!

We LOVED your innovative 12-hour free trial idea! How did you come up with it?

The whole “free trial” idea was just me wanting to give potential clients the chance to “try before you buy,” since my services can be a bit vague. I felt like it was a smart way to get people interested and really understand what it is that I do.

In your opinion, is there a formula for Insta success?

There definitely isn’t just one formula. It all comes down to what your goals are and how you want to grow your Instagram presence. A first MUST is figuring out your brand’s social identity (who is your target audience, what are you trying to achieve or say etc.). Then, you should focus on creating great content that truly represents your brand on a daily basis. Once you figure this out, you can start experimenting with different “formulas” in order to boost your growth and reach.

What is your favorite Instagram trend?

Um, I don’t really have a favorite trend. I love pages that create great content and keep their audiences engaged! People seem to get more and more creative with how they manage their content – I love it!

What advice would you give a Fiverr newbie?

Well, offering a trial is a great tip :). If you are just starting out, It’s also very important to “over-deliver” on your first orders so your buyers end up super pleased. Those first reviews definitely play a big role in your profile’s growth on the platform. I also think that an intro video, as opposed to a generic pic, can further explain what it is that you do and form trust between potential clients and yourself.

Editors Say: What was it about Lynn’s Gig that made us swoon?

“There are so many people out there offering social media management, it’s turned into a very impersonal and faceless business. Lynn’s intro video, on the other hand, is so inviting – it puts the buyer at ease that their account is in great (real!) hands and sends a very professional message. We also loved her free trial idea, which is very useful that it comes to these kinds of services”.

Have questions for Lynn? Ask her in the comments below! 

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