Movie Speeches to Motivate the Entrepreneur in You

We all love speeches. It inspires us to take action. As entrepreneurs, nothing is greater than following through and taking action on your idea. To help you get started, we’ve shared some of the best speeches from popular movies you may recognize (please note that some these speeches use coarse language).

Any Given Sunday, “Pre-Game Speech”

Pacino. Football. Redemption. Motivation. If you need that extra jolt of inspiration watch the four-minute impassioned speech to his team before they head out onto the field. It has everything you would want your coach to say to you before running through the tunnel. Al Pacino as coach Tony D’Amato makes it personal, talking about a down and out life where he has had his share of missteps to football and life being a game of inches that you gain by being willing to die. His team is ready to bleed for him by the end, and your goose bumps will give way to motivation for whatever tasks you are doing.

Boiler Room, “Boardroom Speech”

Some people are in it for the love, others for the good it brings the world, but many of us are trying to pay the rent. Ben Affleck’s character Jim Young pulls and updated Gordon Gecko and tells it how it is. People are in it to get paid. Plain and simple. If you are in need of some big picture dreaming and a refocus on profits, this clip is for you.

V for Vendetta, “Revolution Speech”

Perhaps counter-culture is more your style. Greed fuels some, but others prefer the spark of enlightenment and the thrill of revolution. Look no further than the epic revolutionary speech in V for Vendetta to get the blood pumping with injustice and anti-authoritarian rage.

The Pursuit of Happyness, “Basketball and Dreams Speech”

This clip is for when you are feeling down on yourself. For when the world is against you and self-doubt begins to creep in. When the odds are astronomical and those around you are telling you to give up. Here, Will Smith as Chris Gardner allows the pressures of the adult world to poison a precious moment with his son. After just deflating his own son’s hopes and dreams he quickly backtracks and encourages him to go after what he wants, no matter the odds. Perhaps, this last scene of the movie adds even more poignancy to what he was trying to instill in his son.

Glengarry Glen Ross, “Sales Speech”

Of course, no list of motivating speeches is complete without this gem from Glengarry Glen Ross. It is the ultimate, machismo sales advice. Eat or be eaten. Hunt or be hunted. The oft-imitated speech will bring out the go-getter in you and remind you that closing is what matters most in the business world. When you need to stay focused and goal oriented, nothing can compare to the seven-minute rampage that Alec Baldwin goes on in this star studded 1991 drama.

Which movie speeches inspire you the most? Please share them with us in the comments below.

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