Making Her Professional Dream a Reality #WorkMyWay

Meggan, Meggananderson on Fiverr, is a full-time professional actress and commercial print model based in Los Angeles. A Top Rated Seller on Fiverr, she creates amazing product demos, voiceovers, and more. She’ll also shoot professional product and fashion photos. Our latest #WorkMyWay Superstar, Meggan has recently surpassed $25,000 in Fiverr earnings and is here to share her inspiring story. Congratulations Meggan!

My Fiverr Journey

My Fiverr journey began two and a half years ago between acting bookings. I live in Los Angeles, where I’m a professional actress and commercial print model. I have worked incredibly hard the entire 13 years I have lived in California and am very fortunate to be able to say that I have lived fulltime for over nine years with just my acting and modeling career.

As most artists and freelancers know, living from job to job is not easy. Constantly seeking out the next booking or client to work with is terribly exhausting. Actors are freelancers, too. So although I was commercially successful, I managed the yearly income of only a college student.

Both my creativity and my wallet wanted to grow and expand. I also dreamed of having a production company to produce my favorite mediums as a performer: filmmaking, photography, and voiceovers. Thus, my production company Bold.Sexy.Red. was born.

Any small business owner will tell you that the first few months of running your own business is terrifying. Is your service or product something people will want or need? How are you going to market yourself? Do you have the proper gear and employee power to keep your business afloat?

Then my sister told me about a website called Fiverr.

With my extensive knowledge of filmmaking and production, I decided to offer the very services on Fiverr that I wanted to produce with my company. I first offered video testimonials and product videos. I didn’t see a lot of professional actors on Fiverr, and I thought, what a great idea for businesses from anywhere in the world to be able to buy a Hollywood-produced video with professional talent, gear and knowledge.

With all of my television experience and commercial print campaigns as a professional model under my belt, I also ventured into offering professional commercial print ads on Fiverr, which turned out to be my most lucrative service, selling well above the $5 average, thanks to Fiverr’s add-on and custom offer features!

Advice for Newcomers

Fiverr is a fantastic place to start your business. My advice to Fiverr newcomers is to really focus on what makes you happy in life. What activities truly get you lost in your “creative flow”? You can then make a $5 Gig® for any of those activities. Eventually you will meet people from all over the world who share your same talents and interests, as well as people who need to commission services from you.

The Impact of Fiverr

Today, Fiverr is the only marketplace I use to sell my services. There are now dozens of brands out there that have me as their “face” because of Fiverr, and I’m the voice you hear when you call hundreds of companies. Many businesses and brands buy my Gigs with confidence because of my professional background – all because of Fiverr!

I can’t tell you how it feels to be one of the only actors and artists I know who doesn’t have to work a “survival” job, like waiting tables. Fiverr is my “day job” between bookings, and it accounts for three quarters of my income every month. Fiverr allows me the flexibility I need to go out on auditions at the last minute across town. It also allowed me to start the production company of my dreams. I love waking up each morning and checking my Fiverr to-do list to see what my creative production projects are for the day. And with Fiverr, I don’t have to spend money on advertising to get business. Fiverr’s expansive, worldwide marketplace brings the business to me!

Thanks to Fiverr, I’m currently in a live/work apartment with Matt, my artist boyfriend of five years, who is also a Level 2 seller on Fiverr! We attended the Fiverr Los Angeles event, where I was featured in Fiverr’s Conversations video, and the Fiverr San Francisco Event video as well. I also got the opportunity to meet Fiverr staff at the Fiverr New York office, and I was so humbled to finally put together the names and faces of people who helped me make my dream a reality.


Join us in congratulating Meggan in the comments below. If you have a great story you’d like to share, please send it to us by email at

The post Making Her Professional Dream a Reality #WorkMyWay appeared first on Official Fiverr Blog.

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