Internet Explorer and the Importance of Speed

March 2015 is always going to be remembered as the month in which Microsoft’s Internet Explorer was put out to pasture…for good. The company announced in mid-March that it would finally kill IE, a browser that was already on its last legs for a while and became the target of much criticism for its slowness, lack of compatibility and security problems.

Some industry observers have called this move long overdue, given the fact that IE has trailed the leader in the browser wars, Google’s Chrome, for a number of years now. IE peaked in the early 2000s and never was able to recover, primarily because web users have continually craved faster and faster browsing speeds. Microsoft’s absolute failure to provide what the market wanted ensured its browser’s demise.

Today, fast Internet speeds are a must, especially if you’re an entrepreneur, freelancer or small business owner. The services you provide to your clients have to be delivered efficiently and reliably.

The Browser Wars

According to W3Schools, IE only has a paltry 8% market share in browser usage, way behind the clear-cut leader, Google Chrome, which commands more than 60% of the market share. Contrast that with 2008, when IE still had more than 50% of all browser users! A primary reason for IE’s harsh and irreversible demise is its aggravatingly slow speed.

More and more users are getting used to accomplishing Internet tasks quickly, and when rivals Chrome and Mozilla Firefox deliver faster speeds, you can bet your bottom dollar that users aren’t coming back to IE.

Internet Speed Is Ultra-Important

Technology has evolved aggressively since the early 2000s, which is why users today aren’t willing to tolerate the slow browser speeds of IE. Small business owners, entrepreneurs and freelancers understand this all too well.

When clients are expecting their services delivered and deadlines are looming hard and fast, entrepreneurs need to know that their browsers can handle everything from web-based emails and Skype calls to lightning-quick search engine searches. Since everything is increasingly interconnected today as well, it’s just not tolerable to sacrifice workflow and productivity with a slow browser like IE.

Tips to Improve Internet Speed

Speed is a top concern these days on the web. Sometimes, Internet speed can be slower than you’d like, no matter what browser you’re using. In such a case, there are certain steps you can take on your own to ensure that your web speed gets a noticeable boost.

Some suggestions are:

  • Experimenting with a different modem or router since newer ones have capabilities the older models just don’t have
  • Scanning for viruses since they can sometimes drain your computer’s resources if they make it onto your system insidiously
  • Checking for on-system interference issues
  • Using an actual cable to connect to the Internet instead of using wireless, which usually produces a slower Internet connection
  • Updating your software and/or firmware regularly and frequently to ensure everything’s running smoothly and the way it should be

Help for Slow Internet Speeds and Connections

If you’re really suffering from slow Internet speeds and connections, the Fiverr® marketplace and its highly professional sellers have you covered with Gigs® that will improve your lagging speeds in no time flat!

Try seller “Spiritmax123,” a Level 2 seller who promises to fix your slow PC speeds within just 25 minutes. His Gig will only cost you $5—talk about a great deal for such a valuable service! It usually takes six days for him to deliver this service, and he responds in less than five hours to customer inquiries.

Another seller who’ll address your slow speed issues is “Gamblerm,” also a Level 2 seller who promises to optimize your Internet speed for only $5. This Gig takes an average of two days to complete, but “Gamblerm” usually responds within just three hours to customer inquiries.

Everyone Wants Fast Speeds

The Internet has promoted a sort of instant-gratification culture centered around getting results immediately. That’s why fast Internet connections are all the rage, as was demonstrated by Microsoft pulling the plug at long last on its sub-par IE browser. For entrepreneurs, business owners and freelancers to stay competitive in the 21st century, they all must have fast browsers that deliver for clients.

There’s nothing worse than losing a lead or client because of a slow browser that failed to provide an efficient user experience. Browsers like Chrome and Firefox are popular today because they have addressed the speed issue very consummately, which web users appreciate. Contrast that with the falling fortunes of IE, and you know exactly that browser speed is something one can’t do without these days.


The post Internet Explorer and the Importance of Speed appeared first on Official Fiverr Blog.

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