How to Retain Your Best Customers

When it comes to finding success as a Fiverr® seller, it’s all about your customers. Everything you do—your messaging, your product or service, even your photographs—should be about giving them a great experience. And chances are, if a customer has one or two good experiences with you, they’ll come back for more, and maybe even spread the word to some of their friends.

Here are some tips for retaining your best customers on Fiverr.

Get to Know Them

Whether you’re creating logos on Fiverr, or running an upscale restaurant in Kentucky, your success will depend on the connections you make with your customers. No one wants to deal with a seller or business owner who is all business, all the time.

Spend time getting to know your customers. Ask them where they’re from, what you can do to tailor your product or service to their needs, and maybe even follow up with a nice thank you note when you’ve completed a job for them.

Consistency is Key

If a customer can count on you to always get the job done, they won’t have to think twice about coming back to you for a product or service. Focus on giving a consistently excellent experience to your customer so they know they can always rely on you to get the job done. In fact, focus on overdelivering so that your customers feel like you are constantly going above and beyond for them. If you do this, chances are they’ll also tell other people about your product or service.

Offer Them a Deal

If you have a customer who comes to you regularly (e.g., once or twice a month), consider giving them a discount as a thanks. You obviously don’t want to undersell your product or service, but a ten percent discount or something similar can be enough to show your thanks and make them feel like they’re getting a deal. These deals can be something you actively promote on your Fiverr profile, or simply something you only discuss with your best customers.

Keep Them Updated

As a Fiverr seller, there’s a good chance that your offering will change over time. Maybe you’re a logo maker who is starting to do a bit of copywriting. Or perhaps you’re a voiceover artist who is now also making custom songs for buyers. Whatever the case, be sure that your best customers always know what you’re up to. You never know when you may have decided to branch out in a direction that fulfills their needs.

Think of Them

A little bit of consideration and kindness goes a long way. A nicely worded thank-you note or creative holiday email can make a strong connection with your best customers. If you haven’t heard from a customer in a while, check in on them and let them know what you’ve been up to. When a big event like a holiday or birthday rolls around, a festive note can make them feel special.

The post How to Retain Your Best Customers appeared first on Official Fiverr Blog.

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