How to Best Optimize Your Fiverr Gig Page

Whether you are new to the Fiverr® community or a Top Rated Seller, it is important to continue to optimize your Gig® page to gain or maintain double-digit order queues.

Here are some tips for attracting more customers to your page.

Gig Cover Photo

This is an important first step towards drawing clients into your Gig page. You want your Gig cover photo to stand out amongst the rest while simultaneously showing your expertise. This is obviously a bit different for each skill but if you are an illustrator, obviously and illustrated cover photo is a must. If you are a musician, a clear photo of you “in action” is preferable.

Avoid slamming too much text into your Gig cover photo. It may look good when it is full-size, but keep in mind that it will be one thumbnail amongst many other sellers’. If your Gig cover photo is too busy, it will appear unprofessional and be overlooked.

Show Your Face

The Fiverr community strives to be a personal online market. Buyers report feeling more confident when they see the face of the person they will be working with. It builds trust and greater satisfaction. Make sure your profile picture shows you, smiling. Keep in mind your appearance as per the Gig you are offering. Would you want a sharply dressed, happy person in the professionally taken photograph to write that blog article for you, or the person in the selfie with an unmade bed in the background? Be cognizant of each aspect of your page, and it will underlie the professionalism of your Gig.

Power Up Your Portfolio

The portfolio part of the page is your resume for this job and just like in the real world, people are wary of being the first ones to give you a chance. Combat this by having a few friends and family purchase your first few Gigs to get the ball rolling. Display your best work in your portfolio and have it accompanied by positive testimonials.

Test Your Title

The title of your Gig is also an important aspect of Gig optimization. The title should be concise and direct. However, which words you use can also have an impact, especially on where you come up in searches. For example, the key word create has twice as many results as the word customize. That of course can be both a blessing and a curse, as more results mean more competition. Try out different titles and measure which ones bring in more business.

Guarantee It

A guarantee goes a long way in convincing the buyer that your work is of the highest quality. It may be easy to imagine scenarios with people abusing this and taking advantage of a money-back guarantee, but ask yourself, how many times have you been satisfied with the quality of a product, and still demanded a refund? It is a small, inconsequential risk to take that will pay off in the increase to the buyers’ confidence at the most crucial time, the point of sale. Converting more buyers is what is truly optimal.

The post How to Best Optimize Your Fiverr Gig Page appeared first on Official Fiverr Blog.

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