How This Lifestyle Blogger Grew Her Business Using Fiverr

A lot of people who follow me ask me about how I got started running my business at such a young age. It really is so crazy how starting one business has lit the fire in me enough to want to create more! As much fun as it is for me to build companies, tend to them and watch them grow (I sound like I’m talking about plants, haha!) it didn’t all come easily.

As much as I’d love to take all of the credit, I can’t say that I did it all on my own. With the assistance of my lovely husband and the support from my family, I was able to push through all of my setbacks and discouragements. They will never realize how much them being there has meant to me. That’s one thing I want people to realize also – never try to do it all on your own.

Something else that has also been a huge lifesaver for me has been Fiverr. From the developing stages of my business to the minor setbacks and meltdowns, the assistance of this one tool has been monumental to my success. Fiverr is something that I continue to love and use to this day!

Fiverr is an online service that helps freelancers like myself, with services pertaining to their specific industry. I currently run at least three businesses of my own. After I had seen for myself just how much Fiverr Freelancers had helped me with my digital marketing business, Touch of Social, I’m eager to continue using their services for my other businesses. It’s also a much cheaper alternative to working with more traditional agencies which is a huge plus!

So to answer many of your questions, I built my businesses with the love, support, and shoulders of my loved ones, while also utilizing Fiverr Freelancers. If you are also interested in starting your own business and becoming an entrepreneur I would highly suggest you do some research on resources like Fiverr to assist on your journey. I recently was in need of some new business cards and found an amazing designer to create the business cards of my dreams!

As rewarding as it feels to have accomplished so much, I couldn’t have possibly done it all on my own! It’s helpful to have Fiverr freelancers on my side!

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