How Fiverr Freelancers Can Help You Localize Your Content Marketing & Be Relevant

The Covid-19 outbreak has shut down many small businesses in our local communities. 

But how can they win back customers after the quarantine life ends? 

Customers love to read about nearby events because they can participate or be affected by it. They crave content linked to their culture because it’s more relatable. 

In fact, content designed for local audiences gets six times more engagement than those that cater to the global market. But how can online businesses with an international audience create local content? Thanks to the rise in remote working culture, Fiverr freelancers from across the world can help you localize your content marketing. 

Here’s how they can help your business stay relevant. 

1. Collect Data

It can be difficult to create local content in faraway cities or countries where you’re not a local. 

On the bright side, Fiverr has hundreds of marketers from across the globe. You can find a freelancer from Canada, France, UK, India, Korea among many others. 


These freelancers can find hot topics or identify social media trends. If you want to create local campaigns, then consult these experts to find out what works.

2. Create Campaigns Centered on Local Holidays and Festivals

Customers love to shop during holidays and special occasions.

In 2018, holiday shopping surged by 5.4% which is equivalent to $998.32 billion! 

Ecommerce stores grew by 16.7% and profited by $123.90 billion during the holiday season. Meanwhile, brick and mortar stores experienced a 3.9% increase in sales, reaching up to $874.42 billion!

While the end-of-the-year holiday season happens across the world, there are also local festivals and holidays like Lunar New Year (China), Kwanzaa and Diwali: Festival of Lights (India). 

To take advantage of this opportunity, hire Fiverr freelancers to create marketing campaigns for local festivals and holidays.  


3. Collaborate with Local Influencers

Influencers and celebrities get a huge following from their local fanbase. Not surprisingly, they can create content about issues or trends, specialized within their area. 

Fortunately, Fiverr freelancers can help you create influencer marketing campaigns. Since they’re familiar with the local influencers, they can propose campaigns specialized for this fanbase.


4. Create Localized Websites and Social Media Pages

Many businesses have localized their social media pages so their message will resonate with their customers. 

According to Shutterstock, 60% of global consumers “rarely or never” buy from English-only websites. Additionally, localized marketing campaigns had higher CTR and conversions than English campaigns. 

In the same way, US-based businesses may have different promos planned for their European audience because it’s a different market.

That said, consider hiring a Fiverr freelancer to promote localized discounts or sales. Hire a local to run your social media page to add trends or slang that connect with your target market. 



Localize Content Marketing 

Fiverr has professionals that can help you connect with audiences from around the world. They’ve had years of experience in market research, content marketing, and social media marketing. 

Thanks to their expertise, you’re bound to grow your customer base. 

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