How a Dallas Mom Found Success Staying at Home with a Newborn

When it comes to managing a family, every mom knows a little extra money goes a long way. But moms are so busy that we barely have time to take care of ourselves. So how are we going to find time to make extra money while managing the kids?

My name is Jena Apgar and I am a mom, military vet, connoisseur of tea, dynamic speaker, and Level 2 seller on Fiverr. As a Digital Marketing Warfare Strategist, I help hundreds of small businesses launch new products and services through social media, websites and funnels for ecommerce, dentists, lawyers, bloggers and even other marketers. I built up my Fiverr services into a full service digital marketing Agency, Brand Dot Blog, in Dallas, Texas serving small businesses. To this day I have made $5,429.60 as a seller on Fiverr. Most all of that money was created while I was breastfeeding my newborn daughter using my smartphone with just the one hand I had available.  

But How Did I Get There?

One day when I was 8 months pregnant, I was sitting in my doctor’s office reading Child Magazine. Inside was a tip for teenagers to make extra money over the summer; selling on No one we knew had ever heard of this company, but the opportunity sounded like a great idea for my teenage daughter.

My teenager doesn’t touch a site unless I’ve vetted the company first. Period. Plus, at this point, I’m eight and a half months pregnant on bedrest like a beached whale who can barely move. I’ve got nothing but time.

The fact that Fiverr was a global ecommerce company concerned me. Who would be talking to my daughter? Would the messages be appropriate? Are there scam protections in place?

When you hop onto Fiverr as a seller, you quickly learn how simple it is to use and how many safety structures are in place for both buyers and sellers. Having nothing better to do, I started adding more Gigs. I was surprised to see orders start coming in for tasks that were simple for me to do from my smartphone. What started out as an overprotective momma ended as an avenue for me to make money.

I’m not going to lie, my husband who makes a six figure income annually laughed at the idea of a $5 client. But then he saw the bank account. $5 became $100 that first month, and then $300. At the point I made $800 there was no more mocking and I was able to put my youngest daughter into a top Montessori program. From there, I was able to launch my Digital Marketing Agency full time.

What Did I Really Accomplish?

The money made on Fiverr bought me sanity with 8 hours each day to myself. The profits from Fiverr purchased me independence from my husband and a great education for my children.

On a regular basis I see moms struggling with finances and wondering how they could make just an extra $100, $200, or $500 each month while staying at home with their children. I always recommend selling on Fiverr.

This comes with frequently asked questions: What do I sell? Where do I get started? Is that legit? How much can I expect to make?

On March 2nd, 2017, in Dallas, Texas, I will be hosting a Fiverr event to answer these questions and more. I’ll be showing you step-by-step how I got started and the three key components that helped me grow my business on Fiverr: 1) Setting up Gigs that sell, 2) Upsells and Packages and 3) Getting the positive reviews you need.

Join us at #FiverrDallas community event in March. Meet other Super Sellers and connect with the larger Fiverr community to learn about new opportunities.

For those nervous about change or worried you’ll waste your time, remember that nothing changes until you do. Do the same things, get the same results. Become a doer and join me in Dallas!

In Doers We Trust,

Fiverr Seller, MissJena

Connect with Jena on Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, and her website.

How has Fiverr helped you find success despite difficult circumstances? Tell us in the comments below! 

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