Halloween Spotlight: Leather Face the Texas Handbag Designer

The last seller in our Halloween spotlight comes from humble Texas roots. Leatherface, a chainsaw specialist is making a splash in the online fashion world with his gorgeous custom leather handbags.

With orders coming in from as far as Milan, India, and Japan, he’s been knee deep in leather to make his bags. We caught up with him to learn a bit more about his side business and new design Gig® on Fiverr®.

Leatherface, your bag line is really taking off. What’s your secret?

It’s all about having a strong, recognizable brand. Leather is a known passion of mine, and so one day I was in my workstation, making some fresh leather and found myself contouring it into a bag. I got online, and it sole with in minutes. I guess the secret would be in the leather I use… uhh… it’s a special kind of soft.

Business Card Design by arunwilson

Business Card Design by arunwilson

Some people say anyone can design a handbag. It seems like every other female celebrity has a line of them.

Well, I’d be happy to speak to whoever thinks their bags are better than mine.

Oh no, that’s not what we meant…

I really take time to think about the details, each patch is a unique entity. Compiled from many different sources. I don’t think anyone can match the work I do. I have a special model that even has tiny chainsaws for zippers, any celebrities you know that have that?

Not that I’ve seen. You know, this interview has gone much smoother than expected. We’ve mostly heard you grunt and moan. But you’re so well spoken.

You should hear me when I work or hunt, hehehe, there is not much speech then. But I have been working on my communication skills, actually hired someone off Fiverr to help me. Someone once told me that I sound like my tongue was cut off. That was an eye opener for me. So I’ve working on it.

Thank you to Leatherface and all our other Halloween guests this week.

Happy Halloween!

The post Halloween Spotlight: Leather Face the Texas Handbag Designer appeared first on Official Fiverr Blog.

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