Halloween Spotlight: Freddy the Sleep Expert for Children

Meet Freddy. His evening job used to be scaring the children of Elm Street by creeping into their dreams. But now, he’s found a new career as the proud owner of the Elm Street Day Care Center.

On Fiverr®, he shares expert parenting advice for getting your kids to sleep at night.

I’ve gotta say, what a shock. People know you as the nightmare guy, and now you’re the day care guy, how does that happen?

You know how you get stuck in a job and you’re doing the same thing over and over again? That’s how I was feeling. By the time A Nightmare on Elm Street 5: The Dream Child came out, I was ready for something new. I was depressed and wanted to reinvent myself. So I stayed inside, went on a cookie dough diet, and watched a lot of Oprah. It sounds pathetic, but ultimately it helped me take my life in a new direction. Thanks, Oprah!

What the most rewarding part about working with children?

At the day care I am able to care for kids, who although tend to fear me at first, they quickly get over that and see past the face and hands. Kids are great like that, they see past the surface and straight to the insides.

Image by hironan

Image by hironan

What are some of the tips you give to people who are looking for advice on how to get their kids to sleep?

Well, for my Gig, I will first get some information on the child in question. Each kid is different. Some of the obvious tips would be, no intense or scary movies before bed. Also, no sugar before bed. I caught my kids eating chocolate under their sheets. I showed them how sugar causes nightmares. We no longer have that problem.

What?! You have kids?

Yes. I’ve adopted 6 orphans from my neighborhood. They’re actually part of the reason I started doing Gigs® on Fiverr. With 6 kids, money is always a concern.

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