Halloween: Don’t Miss Illustrator Evangeline Gallagher’s Scary-Good Tattoo Designs

Halloween is almost upon us, and in the spirit of all things spooky, we chatted with Fiverr illustrator and tattoo designer Evangeline Gallagher about her scary-good style. Scroll down to take a peek into this freelancer’s daily routine and snag a few ideas for your next ink sesh, just in time for All Hallow’s Eve.

Who: Evangeline Gallagher, aka egallagher_art

What: Illustrator and Graphic Designer

Where: Baltimore, USA

Fiverr Tagline: Bold and brash

Evangeline Gallagher 

Nice to meet you, Evangeline! First things first – tell us a little bit about yourself. 

Hi! I’m an illustrator based out of Baltimore, where I’ve been living for about seven years. I have three pet rats and an awesome partner who all live in my tiny apartment with me. Since I graduated from the Maryland Institute College of Art a few months back, I’ve been working for clients both in and out of Baltimore, as well as running a collaborative horror movie zine that should be out soon!

Evangeline Gallagher  Evangeline Gallagher 

Awesome! So how did you become interested in illustration?

My mom is an art director and graphic designer so I’ve been around the commercial art world for as long as I can remember. Originally I wanted to be a cartoonist – I got really interested in indie comics and graphic novels back in high school. I still love it dearly and I think that it really formed the basis for a lot of my taste in illustration. I’ve also always been really into music and the aesthetic of show flyers and posters, making art for musicians and bands is still one of my favorite things to do.


Your style can be kind of dark & creepy (in the best way!) How would you characterize it and where do you get your inspiration from?

Basically, I’m just a reformed high school goth! But actually, even my editorial work gravitates towards eerie stories and I usually tend to appreciate darker work myself. I would characterize my work as having a sense of humor to it (even at its darkest) and I’m usually inspired by printmaking and tattooing, movies, old advertisements, and of course other illustrators.

Evangeline Gallagher 

Walk us through your typical day as a doer. 

8:00 AM: Rise & Shine
I get up pretty early, make myself a big ol’ pot of coffee, some breakfast, and plop right down at my desk to work. I usually give myself an hour or so to get settled in and wake up before I really get going.

9:00 AM: Work Time
I start off going through all my emails/messages on different platforms, seeing if there’s any new communication from clients or anything that needs my attention. I’m a big fan of to-do lists! Those get jotted down on post-its and stuck right to my laptop so I don’t forget about anything. I’ll start working on the most pressing projects first, send out progress shots and sketches to warm up, then get into finishing more time intensive pieces.

Evangeline Gallagher 











6:00 PM-ish: Break Time

I try to get some personal work done during the day, usually gouache and ink pieces that end up on my Instagram. I also love taking a long walk, playing guitar, or reading a book for like an hour at the point when my brain and wrist both need a break from art

10:00 PM: At the end of the day…
After everything is done for the day I usually curl up on the couch with a beer and my partner and throw on an episode of Mystery Science Theater 3000.

Halloween’s just around the corner. What’s the scariest thing that can happen while working on a freelance project?

A client going AWOL/ghosting me unexpectedly! Communication is so, so important, especially when I’m trying to prioritize while juggling a bunch of projects with different timelines. I would fight a thousand ghouls for timely email correspondence, transparency, and good feedback.

Evangeline Gallagher 

Talk to us about these BOO-tiful tattoo designs.

Well, they’re in the spirit of the Halloween season, for sure! I tried to cover my bases, so we’ve got a werewolf, a bat, a vampire heart, and a little witchy frog which might be the cutest thing I’ve drawn this month. In keeping with my own tattoos, I stuck with black and grey.

Simply click the image and download the design in the new tab!

Why do you freelance on Fiverr?

Since I’m trying to make a living as a freelancer, I’m on as many platforms as I can manage. Fiverr is extra nice because it gives me tools to be very clear about payment details and terms of agreements, and it allows for really convenient, centralized communication for a project.

Alright, it’s Halloween.🎃 Let’s end with a spooky lighting round! 

Your favorite candy: Twix
Top horror film: Evil Dead 2
Trick or treat: Treat
Zombies or ghosts: Ghosts
Pumpkin pie or pumpkin spice latte: Latte
Dressing up or staying in? Dressing up, of course!

Check out Evangeline Gallagher’s spooky Gigs—and head over to Insta to see more of her scary-good illustrations. 

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