Gig Economy News: Your Brand’s Voice

You have your business idea, you’ve figured out how you’ll get it started, you’ve created a little space in your home and named it your “workspace” and now it’s time to get down to business! No matter how amazing your idea and your business are though, if you don’t market it well, then you’ll never get past the launch phase. Successfully branding your company is the cornerstone of your marketing potential. But how do you create a brand that shows off what your company’s all about? This week’s Gig Economy News is all about helping you find your business’ branding voice so you can market with ease.

Let Your Brand’s Personality Shine Through

There’s nothing less interesting to potential customers than boring copy. Advertisements, website content, blog posts, and anything else that is written and that represents your company must have a splash of personality in order to be appealing to readers. It is no simple task to showcase your brand personality. That’s why we have a post just to help you learn about how to create and display a winning brand personality!

Get Back to the Basics

Think you don’t know anything about marketing and totally lost on where to begin? Well you might be surprised that as long as you went to high school you actually have a strong foundation in marketing basics. At the end of the day, marketing is just playing on the simplest aspects of human psychology. These are aspects that are sometimes shine the strongest during your adolescence. It’s no wonder that the Huffington Post claims that everything you need to know about marketing, you’ve already learned in high school.

Smart Holiday Branding

Even if you’ve already found your brand voice, suddenly the holidays roll around and it’s time to do a total revamp of your marketing to fit the theme of the season. Holiday branding isn’t just about sticking a few snowmen on your website, it goes way beyond that. Branding correctly can set you apart from the competition. To make sure you don’t break holiday branding etiquette though, check out our do’s and don’ts.

Learn From These Mistakes

As important as it is to market and stay on brand, it’s just as easy for things to go wrong. You don’t have to be a beginner to make a rookie mistake! Check out these major companies’ re-branding fiascos and in addition to a good laugh, you’ll get some insights into what works and what doesn’t.

What’s the best advice you have ever received for branding your business? Tell us in the comments!

The post Gig Economy News: Your Brand’s Voice appeared first on Official Fiverr Blog.

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