Gig Economy News: Video Star

These days, it’s nearly impossible to talk about innovative marketing and branding trends without considering video content. Our society is more visual than ever with video taking over everything from recipe guides to university classrooms. If you’re wondering how you can take advantage of the power of video, read on, this week’s Gig Economy News is for you.

The Long and Short of it

When it comes to video content, there really is no one-size-fits-all approach in terms of length. Whether your video is 30 seconds or 10 minutes really depends on your content and your goals. Here are our insights into how long your video should be so you make sure you’re going in the right direction.

Showing You the Way

Videos aren’t just important for your business, they’re also important for your own personal growth as an entrepreneur. Some of the most influential figures in the entrepreneurial world have taken the time to create videos specifically to help people like you learn the secrets of how they got to where they are today. Looking for a little inspiration? Check out Gorilla Wealth’s list of the best motivational videos.

Still Life

Videos are definitely the way of the future, but photos still have an important role to play in your business. Getting the perfect shot is no easy task. Luckily, you can get some expert advice on snapping a picture perfect image from this article on Forbes.

That’s a Wrap

Your content is done… what now? Don’t worry, we came up with this list of how to maximize your video’s performance. After all, if nobody sees a great video then what’s the point? Check out our top tips for boosting video views.

How are you using video in your business? Tell us in the comments!

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