Gig Economy News This Week

This week’s edition is chock full of useful tips and marketing inspiration. And if you’re not planning a vacation this summer, do it – it’ll benefit your business too. Have a happy workweek!

Simple Kickstarter campaigns you wish you thought of

We still have no idea how potato salad could get a $40,000 investment on Kickstarter. These campaigns, on the other hand, are so simple and brilliant that we feel stupid for not having thought of them. As they say, the best artists steal. Maybe some of you can use these ideas and, better yet, improve them.

1. A book in emoji.
That’s right: someone passed their goal of $3,500 to create an English book translating sentences into Emoji icons.

2. Beverage cozies.
Now this one’s seriously up Fiverr sellers’ alley: They just made a useful, cheap cozy to keep a beverage cool and stop bottle sweat. Awesome!

3. Things to cover canes.
Who said canes couldn’t have some flair?

4. Mysterious, hand-written letters.
So old school, so something anyone can do.

5. Boxes filled with books
Cute and good for kids.

6. A T-shirt that says something
Yeah, that’s it.

How big data can help your small business

In just three years, small business use of big data programs rose from just 1.7 percent of the sector to 9.2 percent in 2013. The programs have both become cheaper and easier to use.

Take Brian Janezic, who owns Auto Wash Express, a self-service car wash company. He started using FileMakerPro to help centralize and automatize inventory. Now he can continuously measure how much carwash chemicals the company is using and refill preemptively.

How brands are using Instragram to look more “authentic”

Now that brands are seeking the “Instagram” look, which is authentic, social, and has a customer’s personality, startups such as Snapwire are addressing this pain point. It connects photo buyers to mobile photographers to create specific images the photo buyer cannot find through stock photography, or simply would prefer an Instagrammer photograph. Photographers can make anywhere from $3 to $1,000 on average. If you like taking pics on Instagram, check it out!

Even if you can’t afford it, you gotta take a vacation

Three entrepreneurs at Inc encourage business owners to take the time for a vacation, even if you think you can’t afford one. Here are their reasons:

1. Your brain needs a break. You can only run on empty for so long.
2. Breaks from your business allow you both to grow. It will also help you see if the business can or cannot run without you. If it can’t, things gotta change.
3. Absence strengthens process. Similar to the advice above, planning for time off ensures that your business has proper training guidelines and back-up procedures.

Vacation is important

Are you planning on taking a vacation? Why or why not? Share your thoughts with us in the comments below.

The post Gig Economy News This Week appeared first on Official Fiverr Blog.

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