Gig Economy News: The Practical Side of Making Smart Decisions

Every entrepreneur has moments where a decision must be made and the result will have a major impact on business – good or bad. It’s all part of the journey towards success. In this week’s Gig Economy News, we’re bringing you tips from around the web on the practical side of making smart decisions.

Win The Price Wars

Setting your own prices can be a challenge – you want to remain competitive but you also want to be fairly compensated. Customers will sometimes try to take advantage of the market and will try to bid you down for a lower price than you would usually offer. Allbusiness offers these tips for fending off their efforts and winning the price war.

Polish Your Words

We’ve talked about the importance of polished and correct writing before. Not only does writing correctly make you look more professional, it also makes you look more reliable. However, there are many mistakes that even native-English speakers might make when editing their work. Check out our guide to the top mistakes so that you’ll never make them again.

Don’t Make these Major Mistakes!

How is your online business going? Is it booming? That’s great? If your business is flagging though, you might be making some major mistakes that could be doing serious damage to your success. Luckily, the Huffington Post is here to help with this list of the top 4 mistakes that you might be making in your online business. Read up and take them to heart while you still can!

It’s All About the Benjamins

Money makes the world go around, and if you’re spending money in places that you don’t need it, it might be making your business sink! Budgeting is always a challenge, but budgeting for a business is often uncharted territory, and it’s not uncommon to make rookie mistakes. Here’s our list of 20 ways to trim your business budget which will help your costs go down and your profits go up.

What’s something that you learned the hard way while building your business? Tell us in the comments!

The post Gig Economy News: The Practical Side of Making Smart Decisions appeared first on Official Fiverr Blog.

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