Gig Economy News: Summer School

Summer is flying by and with August already here, we thought this would be a good opportunity to check in on how you’re doing in achieving your summer goals. Whether you set targets in marketing, content, customer relations, or anything else – summer is a great opportunity to try different things before the autumn and winter holiday seasons begin. This week’s Gig Economy News is a roundup of some of the best places to put your efforts to gaining quality customers before fall arrives.

Focus On Quality

While quality should always be a core goal, focusing on quality in lead generation isn’t always something that entrepreneurs realize they should be doing. Simply pouring money into every marketing strategy you can think of is not a good idea. Instead, check out our advice for identifying and cultivating customers through lead generation.

Build Your B2B Leads

All set on generating customer leads? Well if you’re looking to enter or expand to the B2B market, you need to realize that it’s a whole different ball game. When thinking about B2B leads, it’s important to know the different strategies that will work for that audience as opposed to the B2C that is most commonly discussed. In this Allbusiness article you can get some great tips for generating high-quality B2B Leads and building your business in a new direction.

Check Out Fiverr Pro

Summer is a great chance for expanding the partners that you work with to build a successful business. And one of your best resources for great partners is (surprise!) us! The new Fiverr Pro platform connects you with freelancers who can get what you need done at the highest level of quality and service. These freelancers are hand-vetted, so you know you’re working with the best. Check it out, then try it out!

Be Prepared

For a lot of entrepreneurs, summer is a time of experimentation and relaxation. At the same time, for many people summer is the time when they decide to take the leap and dive into building their very own business for the first time. Whether you’re starting out with a side Gig or going all in from the start, being prepared for these 6 challenges before you get hit with them will get you off on the right foot.

How have you been taking advantage of the summer months? Tell us in the comments!

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